Not Very Peachy
Its been trying to snow for days. This morning it seems to be sticking. I knew it could happen any time now since we are into November, but it's still somewhat of a surprise. I love the first snow. I love a white Christmas too. Other than that, I can do without it.
Well Mr. Man went to his job interview last weekend or whenever it was, and it went well. As far as I know the job is his if he wants it. The problem is, he can't make up his mind. He doesn't know if he wants it or not. He's kind of content where he's at. He asked my opinion this morning and I didn't know what to say. The other job is better in some ways but not any better in other ways. There would also be more stress for him. His current job has a better benefit package. But the other job offers more money and a company vehicle. But he's happy at his current job. So why did he even bother going to the interview? Good question. I think he's going to decide to stay where he is.
It was almost a year ago that Little R had her mysterious allergic reaction. At that time we got a prescription for an Epipen. We didn't get the Epipen til this week. Those things cost $100. The doctors said it may never happen again. We're just damn lucky it didn't happen again. But now with the new found benefits, we decided to get the Epipen just in case. I don't ever want to go through that again, it was awful and frightening. It's a good thing I hung onto the prescription. It was in the dead of winter that it happened so with winter upon us again I started thinking about it. What if...? It's a small comfort to have the thing here now anyways. We have no idea what caused the reaction in the first place. But it was nasty. One of the scariest experiences of my life. They told us at the hospital that the next time it happened, if it did happen again, would be worse, ten times worse even. Hard to imagine. Now I'm thinking she should carry it around with her. It isn't going to do her any good sitting here when she's at school. And wow just thinking about it is causing me to start to panic. Yes, I will send it with her tomorrow and make sure she has it with her all the time. It's funny how I was able to put it out of my mind for almost a year. We are so lucky nothing happened in that time.
Well, the washroom is painted, but it's still all torn apart. It's painted and I hate the colour. I was all proud of Mr. Man for going ahead on his own and deciding to do this and picking the paint himself. The colour is supposed to be peach but basically is yellowy orange. Yuck. I was thinking it would be more of a pinkish shade, which I could live with, but this colour is hideous. We'll be painting it a new colour at our earliest convenience. Maybe we should just do it now while it's still all torn apart. But I don't think there's time for that. We need to get it put back together for the appraisal. It seems to me it was less work to paint the familyroom which is a much bigger room. But then again there was no pressure, no rush. Ugh, I hate it. Here, let me show you...

Doesn't look very peachy to me.
I don't know what's going on with me, maybe all this talk about the Epipen, but I'm starting to have another panic attack. It's not a full blown attack but I can feel it coming on. It's also in the back of my mind that tomorrow is the day I go to get my teeth pulled. Time to get off the computer and do something to occupy my mind. Have a great day.
Well Mr. Man went to his job interview last weekend or whenever it was, and it went well. As far as I know the job is his if he wants it. The problem is, he can't make up his mind. He doesn't know if he wants it or not. He's kind of content where he's at. He asked my opinion this morning and I didn't know what to say. The other job is better in some ways but not any better in other ways. There would also be more stress for him. His current job has a better benefit package. But the other job offers more money and a company vehicle. But he's happy at his current job. So why did he even bother going to the interview? Good question. I think he's going to decide to stay where he is.
It was almost a year ago that Little R had her mysterious allergic reaction. At that time we got a prescription for an Epipen. We didn't get the Epipen til this week. Those things cost $100. The doctors said it may never happen again. We're just damn lucky it didn't happen again. But now with the new found benefits, we decided to get the Epipen just in case. I don't ever want to go through that again, it was awful and frightening. It's a good thing I hung onto the prescription. It was in the dead of winter that it happened so with winter upon us again I started thinking about it. What if...? It's a small comfort to have the thing here now anyways. We have no idea what caused the reaction in the first place. But it was nasty. One of the scariest experiences of my life. They told us at the hospital that the next time it happened, if it did happen again, would be worse, ten times worse even. Hard to imagine. Now I'm thinking she should carry it around with her. It isn't going to do her any good sitting here when she's at school. And wow just thinking about it is causing me to start to panic. Yes, I will send it with her tomorrow and make sure she has it with her all the time. It's funny how I was able to put it out of my mind for almost a year. We are so lucky nothing happened in that time.
Well, the washroom is painted, but it's still all torn apart. It's painted and I hate the colour. I was all proud of Mr. Man for going ahead on his own and deciding to do this and picking the paint himself. The colour is supposed to be peach but basically is yellowy orange. Yuck. I was thinking it would be more of a pinkish shade, which I could live with, but this colour is hideous. We'll be painting it a new colour at our earliest convenience. Maybe we should just do it now while it's still all torn apart. But I don't think there's time for that. We need to get it put back together for the appraisal. It seems to me it was less work to paint the familyroom which is a much bigger room. But then again there was no pressure, no rush. Ugh, I hate it. Here, let me show you...
Doesn't look very peachy to me.
I don't know what's going on with me, maybe all this talk about the Epipen, but I'm starting to have another panic attack. It's not a full blown attack but I can feel it coming on. It's also in the back of my mind that tomorrow is the day I go to get my teeth pulled. Time to get off the computer and do something to occupy my mind. Have a great day.
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