~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Friday, November 02, 2007

My Darling Daughter

Little R has been sick with a terrible cough for over a week now. She was just about cleared up, but it seems being out running around in the cold, improperly dressed, on Halloween night, made the cough worse again. She stayed home from school yesterday. That's the first day she has missed in high school.

Every time I mentioned calling the school to report her absence, Little R would tell me I don't need to. It's all automated and they will call here. And you just leave a message. Whatever, so I didn't call.

Sometime in the morning Mr. Man comes on messenger and tells me "call me NOW, I am PISSED". So I called him right away. It seems the school called him at work. Actually they called his cell phone. Little R never turned in the sheet with all the contact information on it and they had been trying to reach our house, getting nothing but a busy signal, because we're on dial up. So I guess they got the information from Little R the day before, when she was called down to the principals office!

It would appear that our little darling was involved in the disfiguring of a boys hand, with cigarette burns, at his request! The school was concerned and thought we should know. Now that we know, we aren't quite sure what to do about it. She spent the day cleaning up her room and is grounded indefinately. I asked her why she would do such a thing and she said "because he told me to." I am disturbed on many levels. This must mean she was smoking cigarettes again, we thought she had stopped. She is at the age when doing things like this is not uncommon. Has she never heard "just say no?" What would make her do such a thing? I am very disturbed over this and kind of at a loss as to how to deal with it effectively. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Being called to the principals office and being in trouble at school would explain why she wanted to take the day off all of a sudden. Like I said she was sick for a week but never missed a day. It would also explain why she didn't want me to call the school. But nothing explains burning holes in a boys hand because he asked her to. Do you think she's in with the wrong crowd again? Apparently so.

It's funny, the other day she was telling me about a certain gross gang initiation. I asked her where she heard that and she just said "school, things get around at school." Is she learning any of what she's there to learn? Is she thinking about getting involved in gangs? Do they even have gangs here? Oh boy, this is going to be a rough 4 years. Hopefully we can teach her a thing or two. Wish us luck. And again, any suggestions are welcome.

I wasn't feeling the best myself yesterday. I feel like the depression is slipping back over me. I am fighting it. One thing I always do, but didn't do, was go out and clean up all the Halloween decorations. I'll force myself to get out there and do it today. I think it's PMS. I get depressed at PMS time. Sometimes it goes away, sometimes it lingers. Normally this time of year I would start getting excited about Christmas. I feel nothing. When I think about Christmas, I think about Big R not being here for it this year. That upsets me. I feel my mind trying to fall into the funk. I am trying my damndest to fight it. But I don't feel it. I don't feel happy about anything. I feel calm on the outside but turmoil on the inside. I feel lethargic, like I just don't want to do anything. My mind wants me to do all kinds of things, but my body disagrees. I want to feel that Christmas excitement and anticipation again. I want to look forward to going shopping. I want to be happy to clean my house. I want to plan baking new recipes. I want to stockpile firewood. But it's taking everything just to keep up with the laundry.

It's mind over matter. If you don't mind then it doesn't matter. I just need to put my mind to it and do it. Nothing is going to send me back into that funk I just came out of. Not even my daughters. I am on a mission to get this house de-cluttered, and have made some small dents in it and will continue to do so. A de-cluttered house will make me happy, somewhat. Yesterday I went through all the hats, gloves, mittens and scarves we have. The storage box we keep them in was overflowing. I picked out a few things to donate to the thrift store, threw a few things out, like gloves with no mates, and set aside a few things for a yard sale, like Bears boots that don't really fit him. So now the box isn't overflowing. I've collected 2 big bags of garbage from the basement, now I just have to get Mr. Man to take them to work to dump in the dumpsters there. I've offered a bunch of spare chairs to someone who will use them. And I continue to post things on Freecycle as I come across things.

Well I hear Little R coughing again. I should go and give her some cough syrup. Have a great day.


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