~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Saturday, November 03, 2007

Another Friday Night Sitting In Emerg.

You know Little R has been sick with a cough for a week right. She stayed home from school again on Friday. It was the worst day yet. The cough syrup didn't seem to be helping and she just coughed non-stop. She was starting to complain about pain from coughing so much, and finding it hard to breathe.

Mr. Man ran some errands after work. When he finally got home we took Little R to the hospital. We figured she may need antibiotics, or at least some cough syrup that works. The emergency room was quite busy so we were there for about 3 hours. They recommended Advil Cold & Sinus and gave us a prescription for an inhaler for her. Luckily Shoppers Drug Mart is open until midnight so we went there. While waiting for them to fill the prescription we looked around the store. All the Halloween stuff was on sale, including costumes. I got 4 adult costumes, regularly $20, for $3 each. They're pretty flimsy, but hey they're worth $3. We got a few other things too like a big make-up kit for a dollar something, and stuff like that. Great deals for future Halloweens. Now I'll have no excuse not to dress up next year.

Last week I spent Friday night sitting at home waiting for someone from Freecycle to come pick up a mattress. They never showed up and didn't send an email or anything, until the other day. She still wanted the mattress, sorry she didn't make it, her son needed surgery, bla bla bla. Ok fine can you come today? No, how about tomorrow? Ok, tomorrow it is, but if you don't show up tomorrow, it's going to the dump. So I'm expecting her to come today. Last night while waiting for Mr. Man to get home I laid down for a bit. I got woke out of a sound sleep by Little R, "there's some guy at the door to pick up a mattress!" Oh for crying out loud! So I jump up and get dressed and there I was half asleep hauling out a mattress for this guy. I told him we actually have 2 mattresses, does he want the other one too? Sure, he says. So now I'm half asleep hauling a mattress down from upstairs. But hey, killed 2 birds with one stone there and got rid of them both. More clutter gone, yay! When I checked my email much later, there it was, the email saying yes we can come tonight if that's ok with you. Nothing like waiting for my reply.

I'm up early this morning, set the alarm for 5:30, only because Mr. Man has gone on another cigarette run. He likes to get it over with early in the day rather than spend the whole day driving there and back. Little R is still coughing her head off. The doctor at the hospital said if she isn't better in a few days, take her to our family doctor and get antibiotics, sigh. So I guess I'll be spending the day cleaning. Mr. Man bought some paint and stuff. We need to get the house spiffed up for an appraisal. We are renewing our mortgage with a new lender. Before they agree to lend you the money they come and check out the house. It is a wreck. We still have paint from when we first moved here 4 years ago that we haven't used yet. I have a ton of work to do to make it decent for an inspection, ugh. Meanwhile, I keep plugging away, trying to get rid of clutter. Some stuff is too good to just give away, good yard sale fodder. I'm trying to contain that stuff to the spare bedroom.

So, I'm off to start my day. Plenty to do. Have a great day.


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