~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

It's Almost Christmas!

I had hoped to go to town on Friday night to finish up the Christmas shopping, but Mr. Man didn't feel like going. So we went on Saturday. It snowed pretty much all weekend. Sunday was bad, we got a real good dumping that day. So Saturday we got a late start. It was the day of my sisters memorial up in Gravenhurst. Our car wouldn't even start. We planned to go with my other sister, but because of the weather she decided not to go. Good thing we weren't planning to go in our car. So that put us behind schedule, it took Mr. Man quite a while but he finally did get the car started. We went to town and finished our shopping. I'm still not happy with what we got. I would like to get a few more things. Since we had to do all the shopping together, there won't be any surprises for me or Mr. Man. We both pretty much know what we're getting. Talk about sucking the fun right out of it. We were going down to Mississauga Saturday night for a Christmas get together with friends, so I told my sister we would pop in at her place first to drop off their gifts. We were so behind schedule, then on the way down the road was closed for an accident and we had to detour, it wasn't 6:30 til we got there. So all we did was a hit and run. We promised to go again on Boxing Day for a proper visit. We finally got to the get together. There was tons of food. We had a few drinks. We had a good time. We exchanged gifts. My one old friend who was there, C, had told me not to get her anything, so I didn't. Didn't she turn around and get us a box of chocolates as well as a card with scratch tickets. Grrrrrrr. That wasn't very nice. Cathy spoiled me again. She got me a really nice rooster cookie jar to add to my rooster collection as well as a couple of smaller things. She gave Mr. Man a cool ornament, its Santa on a bike and when you press a button the headlight comes on and it plays Born To Be Wild. They even got a bottle of vodka for T, how thoughtful. We had lots of laughs. I felt bad leaving Little R home alone yet again and was a little worried about her all evening. The drive home was uneventful until we got up to this neck of the woods. Then the snow started coming down quite heavy. Thankfully Little R was fine when we got home. We brought her a McChicken as she was craving one.

Sunday it was a blizzard all day long, it just didn't let up. That was the day of my sisters memorial in Brampton. I don't know if my other sister went to it or not. We didn't go, the roads were not fit for travelling. I felt so bad about not going. I spent the day feeling very depressed and guilty. Quite overwhelmed actually. We laid around and watched tv all day.

Our real tree still isn't fully decorated. No one is into it. There just isn't much Christmas spirit in this house. Everyone seems a little on the depressed side. We just didn't do any of the usual stuff like baking and decorating, even picking out the tree together. Mr. Man and I have been going out partying every weekend and leaving Little R home alone. Things will be different next year. I'm going to start the shopping in September. I'm going to bake with Little R. I'm going to involve her in our reindeer games. And I'm going to decorate the house like I used to. Hopefully next year no one will die. We've had too many Christmas deaths in this family.

Today is Mr. Mans last full day of work. He works half a day tomorrow, then he's off work until January 5. It'll be a nice break for him. He needs the rest. But he's going ahead and making all kinds of plans, so if he wants any rest he better stop with the plans. I plan on dragging him out tomorrow, Christmas Eve to get groceries and last minute gifts, stocking stuffers, booze, that kind of thing. We have no actual plan for Christmas Eve, just the 4 of us hanging out at home together. We've been watching Christmas movies for weeks, so I don't know if we'll do that. We usually go out visiting or have people over. So it's going to be strange. Except for Mr. Man going to work, we're all home together all the time. It's just not going to be the usual gift extravaganza that it usually is. I feel bad about that. Hopefully I can get a few more things tomorrow.

It seems like we're all getting sick all over again. Little R is definately sick again. I think Mr. Man keeps bringing it home from work. There's a guy at his work who keeps coming in sick. On Boxing Day we are taking Little R down to her cousins place. She's going to stay there for a few days. I'm hoping it will help her to be around some family. She hasn't seen them in quite some time and they used to get together on the holidays all the time. But I'm going to miss having her here. I hope she has fun, I hope it's worth it, I hope she isn't too sick to go.

Poor Bear. He knows it's Christmastime, but he doesn't know it isn't Christmas yet. He keeps trying to snag presents from under the tree. He grabbed one yesterday and walked away with it, thankfully he didn't tear it open. He picked up a knitted ornament out of the box and walked away with it. It's so cute. We involve him in the whole Christmas thing, he loves presents. He opens all his own gifts. He knows there's goodies in all those packages under the tree. I didn't get him as much as I usually do either.

This year is just kind of a bust. I don't know where to find the spirit. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve! Will I find the spirit by then? Sadly I just want to cry. I've been very weepy the last few days. I'm just full of bad feelings. I think there are several contributing factors. I'll be happy when Christmas is over with. I'll get the spirit on Boxing Day. Once it's all over with I'll relax. I just feel this intense pressure to feel happy, and I just don't. The house is a mess. It seems like our whole life is a mess. I'm just overwhelmed. Hopefully I'll have a happy post for Christmas. Have a good day.


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