Snow Is On The Way
Well today is a crappy, cold, rainy day. They are calling for snow next week. This Saturday is the Santa Claus parade in Orangeville. It's supposed to rain. We plan on going to see it anyways.

I recently ordered a couple of things online. I've never done that before. One thing from eBay and one thing from Amazon. I was amazed how fast I got the thing from Amazon, I ordered it Sunday and it arrived on Wednesday. So I have now officially started Christmas shopping. I think this year is going to be gift cards for a lot of people. I just don't feel creative in the gift buying department.
We got our wood delivered and thanks to T it all got stacked and tarped in a few hours. This is what 2 bush cords looks like all stacked...
It doesn't look like a lot to me. I should have got a before picture of it just dumped in the front yard. Part of it got dumped on my garden ugh. Luckily my little Lilac bush was spared. That should last us all winter, but it just doesn't look like it will.
I'm really bored today. I have plenty to do, I'm just not doing anything. It's hard to just lay around with T here who is always puttering. He can't sit still. I got him set up with an email account yesterday. Next will be a Facebook account. He has no experience with computers at all. We'll get him into it slowly.
Well I should go and at least get dressed. I'm still sitting here in my jammies. But it's one of those days, rainy and cold, who wants to change out of the warm flannel? Sigh. Have a great day.
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