~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Friday, December 19, 2008

A Week From Hell

We're expecting a big snow storm today. And another one on Sunday. I'm hoping it won't be too bad because I want to go to town tonight to finish up Christmas shopping. Mr. Man woke me up at 4:30 this morning. At least he made me a coffee. So I've been sitting here for hours wondering why I'm up. Just waiting for the storm to start.

We got our real tree. Mr. Man bought it on his way home from work on Wednesday. He couldn't fit it on the car. He didn't go to the usual place so the only way to get a nice full tree was to get a tall one. Like 10 feet tall. The ceiling in the familyroom is only 7 feet. He had to have his friend Wayne pick it up and deliver it to us on Thursday because he has a truck. So after cutting 3 feet off of it we set it up last night. It's drinking well. When I checked the water this morning it was half gone. It still needs some trimming. We'll decorate it at some point this weekend.

What a terrible week it was. On Monday Mr. Man came home in a foul mood and immediately started bitching at Little R about being on the computer too much etc. She got quite upset. By the time everyone went to bed I thought all was well again. Apparently not. Sometime during the night, after everyone had gone to bed, my precious daughter took a handful of pills. She wanted to die. So Tuesday morning I got up and she was asleep on the couch in the familyroom. I didn't think anything of it. Eventually I went back to bed to read and have a nap. I woke up around 2:30 and she was still on the couch. Again I didn't really think much of it. Then she woke up. She immediately told me she didn't feel well. I told her she must still be sick just go back to sleep. She told me I didn't understand. It just happened that Mr. Man came home from work early because he is sick too. He had just gone to lay down when she told me she took a bunch of pills. So we all got up and dressed and rushed to the hospital. She had taken a combination of my pills and Mr. Mans pills. The dose she took could have been fatal. They kept her in the hospital for hours and had a crisis worker come in to talk to her. The crisis worker was pretty useless, Little R wouldn't even talk to her, so I ended up talking to her. The whole thing was pretty traumatic. I'm so upset that my daughter felt that way. I also noticed she had cut up her arm. It wasn't deep but it was significant. My daughter needs help and I don't know how to help her.

The next day, Wednesday, Little R got up and got dressed and was out of the house bright and early. I thought this was very strange, but I thought she was just going for a little walk to clear her mind. A little while later I found a note on the kitchen table. She had hopped on the school bus and gone to town. She said don't worry I'll come home on the bus. So all day I worried. I had a feeling she wouldn't be on that bus, and I was right. She didn't come home. Eventually I had to call the police and report her as a run away. By now I was very upset. I was so worried about her. What was she up to, what was she thinking? She only had a sweater on, no coat. All day Thursday I stayed off the computer in case she or the police tried to phone. Nothing. I was a basketcase. Then around 3:30 there was a banging on the front door. She came home on the school bus. I cannot describe the relief I felt. She was ok. She was home, safe and sound.

So we have a family counselling meeting on Monday morning. I'm going to do my best to help Little R. I know part of how she's feeling. I've arranged for her to go have a visit with some family she hasn't seen in a long time after Christmas. Her cousins. She'll stay for a couple of days and have some good clean fun. I know a big part of her problem is just being bored and lonely. It'll be good when she gets back in school in February.

It looks like we won't be going to either memorial for my sister. With the impending bad weather my other sister isn't going to Gravenhurst so we can't get a ride with her. Our car might not make it. And as for Brampton I simply cannot go. So we will just have to mourn in our own little way. This weekend is going to be spent preparing for Christmas. And showing Little R that we really do love her and that she is precious to us. I can't believe any of that happened, it's like a bad dream. This week was just terrible. Thank God the weekend is here. I'm still pretty upset, but I'm trying to calm down. I need to think. I need to help my daughter. I don't ever want her to feel that way again. Wish us luck and keep us in your prayers. Have a great day.


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