~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Well Christmas is over for another year. Now we'll just kick back and enjoy the holidays. Mr. Man has 11 days off work, which is so nice. The time wil probably fly by. This wasn't the best Christmas for me. I typed up an entry on Christmas Eve but then I didn't post it, because it was just a bunch of whining about how it doesn't feel like Christmas. It never did feel like Christmas for me this year. No spirit. It's sad because I did used to feel it. I used to be so into it. This year was just going through the motions.

Christmas Eve Mr. Man, Little R and I went to town. Little R got her hair cut and we did grocery shopping and got a couple of last minute things. While we were out, Uncle T cleaned up the house. Mr. Man made perogies for dinner. Then we were just relaxing, listening to music, having drinks and playing darts. Then Mr. Man wanted to watch a movie. Little R didn't want to watch a movie. So she went off upstairs. The next thing I know Mr. Man and Uncle T had both gone to bed. So Little R and I watched the movie and then continued to play darts. We were up til about 1. She was right, we never watch movies on Christmas Eve, why start now. So it really didn't feel like Christmas.

Christmas morning, I was the first one up around 6:30. Then Little R got up, then Uncle T, who it turns out had been up earlier. I had to wake up Mr. Man. We opened our stockings. Everyone was happy. Then we opened our gifts. Everyone was happy. There wasn't nearly as many gifts as there usually is, but it was still nice. Uncle T baked banana bread and together with Mr. Man they stuffed the turkey and got it in the oven. Oh yeah, we weren't sure what if anything Mr. Man was going to get from work. Last year it was a turkey and a ham. This year it was a turkey. Then the day was spent hanging around the fire, playing darts and listening to music. Little R got a cell phone for Christmas so she was busy playing with that, texting with her friends constantly.

We had dinner around 6 and it was delicious. Uncle T did most of the cooking. After dinner we all took the dog for a walk. Then we settled down to watch a movie. We were watching Fred Claus and I was basically sleeping through the whole thing, so eventually I just went to bed. That was around 8 and I was up again around 12. It's now 2 a.m and I'm craving leftovers. Thankfully we have plenty of leftovers.

So everyone's asleep. I'm up sitting at the computer. I took my meds so I am ready to go back to bed. I'll post more tomorrow sometime. It'll probably feel more like Christmas tomorrow. That has happened to me before. We're dropping Little R off at my nephews place tomorrow to spend a few days with her cousins. I think it will do her some good to be around family.

So until later today, I hope you had a very Merry Christmas. Have a good night.


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