~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers Day

I had people here every day all week from Freecycle picking up the leftovers. I got rid of almost everything, I still have a few things left. I've started on the stuff in the house now and furniture. One thing I gave away today was my stereo. I've had that thing for many years. But we just won't have room for it, We have a newer, smaller one. I think we'll be making a trip to the thrift store tomorrow to drop stuff off. I'm going to have to get rid of my kitchen table and chairs which I love.

We're moving next weekend and i haven't even started packing. We are very short on boxes. Most of it will be dishes and my coloured glass collection, books, movies and CDs. There's the dishes we use and the dishes I display in my china cabinet and the spare dishes. Even though I gave a set away and got rid of all the odd stuff to freecycle, I still have too many dishes.

I'm not excited about this move. I love my home and thought we would live here forever. I'm going to miss my fireplace and having bonfires. And now I realize I won't even have a dishwasher at the new place. It's an apartment. In an apartment building. We'll be on the 6th floor. I'll have to haul my laundry down to the first floor one load at a time. And it will cost me $3 a load. We'll have to walk to dog several times a day. It's going to be a lot of changes to get used to. Mr. Man says it's only temporary. I certainly hope so. On the up side we'll be in town closer to everything and people. We'll have high speed internet and cable tv.

I'm really trying to not get too upset and just go with the flow. As long as I know it's not forever I can deal with it. Its been tough getting rid of all my possessions. And with Uncle T helping I think some things got thrown out without my approval. T sold 2 of Mr. Mans drills that weren't even for sale. That was not a good day.

So I probably won't be online for a couple of days while we get situated at the new place. We're going to have to buy all new blinds or curtains for all the windows. The balcony is pretty small. There was no mention of no dogs so we didn't mention that we have a dog. It will be a surprise when we move in. Hopefully there's no problem with it.
Well I should head to bed. Got a lot of packing to do tomorrow. Happy Mothers Day. I actually got a card from Big R this year. Have a great day.


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