~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Friday, January 16, 2009

Morning Rainbow

Good morning. It is damn cold this morning. We've been in a deep freeze for a few days now, temperatures around -20C give or take. The house is chilly this morning. I made a fire but it hasn't been going long enough to warm up the room yet. There is a super fine snow falling and it created a rainbow around the morning sun. Here's one half of the rainbow...

I wasn't about to step outside to get a picture of the whole thing! So this is what I got from peeking through the door opened a crack.
A bit of good news, T got a job yesterday and he started working this morning. Hopefully this will uplift his spirits. I'm happy about it anyways. It's nice to have my house to myself again. Come February when Little R goes back to school, I'll be completely alone all day again. I'll probably miss having her around, but I'll get over it.
Mr. Man has been surprising me all week and playing the Game Cube every evening. We're making progress in the game and I may even take a stab at playing it myself today. We've had the Game Cube for a couple of years, or maybe it was just a year ago for Christmas that we got it, at any rate, I haven't played it. I prefer the older versions of Nintendo. So I'm not familiar with the controller, which has a lot more buttons on it than the older ones. Maybe I'll figure it out today, or maybe not, we'll see.
I'm really blocked for blogging ideas. Can't think of a thing to blog about. I live in this cocoon. I rarely even get out of the house. I rarely see people other than Mr. Man, Little R and T. My life revolves around sitting at the computer mostly just reading, keeping the fire going, doing the odd load of laundry and watching soaps on tv. I actually have it pretty good. When I'm feeling ambitious I sweep the floors and run a load through the dishwasher. Yup, I have it good. And I feel pretty good today. Don't feel depressed. Maybe just because it's Friday. This week went by fast. Time in general is passing fast. You would think time would drag for me with no life and all, but it flies by.
Well, I hope I can come up with something of interest to blog about in the near future. Meanwhile, have a great day.


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