The Picnic On The Balcony
Yesterday was Cathys annual picnic. Though they were calling for thunderstorms all day, the day started out promising with the sun shining. As the time drew near to leave it got cloudier and darker. By the time we got down there it was a full fledged thunderstorm with torrential rain. We brought Bear and he was trembling and cowering in the back seat of the car. We decided to go to the park to see if they were there waiting it out. We got there just in time to help them pack up, they were leaving. So we packed everything up and went to their apartment. We partied on their 12th floor balcony. And of course eventually the rain cleared up. We brought beer and potato salad. Celeste brought these coolers that were wicked. I had one and caught a buzz. Cathy had a few and was feeling no pain, she doesn't really drink. The doobies were being passed around one after another and that did me in. I really don't smoke much any more. We had a barbecue and a few drinks and a good time was had by all. Little R took some very unflattering videos. Cathy has a theory about the weather. She just read a book about it. The government is controlling the weather. Interesting. It has been the worst summer in recent memory. It's just more of the same today, cloudy and cool and looks like it will rain any minute.

On Saturday we got all the plates and whatnot hung on the kitchen walls. But not without Mr. Man hurting himself. The stool he was standing on just crumbled under him and he sort of fell, jarring his back. So that was the end of that. That stuff was already unpacked so we didn't do any unpacking. It's crazy how we're living in all this chaos. At the rate we're going we'll be lucky to be unpacked by Christmas.
The police were here this morning. Well it was just one cop. He came to serve Little R papers to appear in court. She is being charged with theft. It all started one day last week, Mr. Man came home from work and asked me if I had taken money out of the bank. No I didn't. Then he asked me where my bank card was. When I looked in my wallet, surprise, it wasn't there. I also had Little Rs bank card and it was gone too. We decided that this just can't go on, we had to do something. So we called the police. At first he wasn't going to do anything, then we told him about all the stuff she's been pulling and he changed his mind. We figured she needs to learn a lesson, she can't keep getting away with everything. She took my bank card and basically cleaned out our account. Thankfully it wasn't a whole lot of money, but it was Mr. Mans gas money for the week. Of course she is denying it completely. We just want the stealing and lying to stop. I just hope she grows out of it and it doesn't turn into a way of life. We're hoping being charged will scare her out of it. It's a horrible feeling not being able to trust your own kid. I feel bad about having her charged, sort of guilty, it just doesn't feel right. But we didn't know what else to do, it can't go on. I mean really, what's next?
So that's all the excitement around here. It's Monday, back to the grind. It was nice to see the old friends yesterday. Though I wish we had done it on Saturday so we would have a day to recover. We have parties to attend the next 2 weekends. But next weekend it will depend if the bike is running or not. If not, we won't be going. Mr. Man is going to work on it tonight after work. The following weekend it would be nice to have the bike for it but we'll still go even if it isn't running. Wouldn't it be nice to actually have some nice summer weather? I keep hoping it will improve. We plan to go back to my friends at Lake Erie at some point in August too. And we also hope to make it to my sisters cottage. So many plans and so much rain. I must say, Cathys conspiracy theory is quite intriguing. She should blog about it lol.
I guess there's nothing left to say so I'll post some pictures from yesterday. I look like an old spaz in most of them. I was feeling pretty old too.
First is Bear chilling out on the balcony...
Me and Mr. Man...
Celeste, me and Cathy...
Little R and Cathy...
This was interesting, just a wall of rain in the distance...
Of course I have more pictures but once again Blogger is being a pain with uploading them. There were some awesome views from the 12th floor. You can see Toronto in the distance.
I'm getting depressed again. I always feel this way the day after drinking. But with this weather too, gawd I can't stand it, I need some sun. And the apartment being such a mess, I can't stand that either. I don't like Mondays when Mr. Man has to go back to work, can't wait for him to take a vacation. SW has been back since Thursday and I haven't even talked to her. Little R went right back to bed after the cop left. Feeling a little lonely today. I have to go check the mail and walk down to the bank this afternoon. So have a great day.
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