~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Monday, December 21, 2009

Crazy Christmas Chaos

Good morning. It's snowing again, another surprise. They're not calling for snow until Christmas. Really it's just flurries but it is coming down pretty good. I'm dreaming of a white Christmas.

So the other day I was unpacking the tree ornaments and I was looking for one particular ornament. It is a plush pig wearing a Santa hat, a scarf and a leather jacket. It says Harley Davidson on the hat, scarf and jacket. I bought it last year on Ebay for a great price and put it in Mr. Man's stocking. I was so proud of myself for winning the auction on Ebay and getting it for such a good price. Anything that says Harley Davidson on it is ridiculously expensive. Anyways, I had gone through all the boxes and I didn't see it. So I went through all the boxes again and still didn't find it. As I said yesterday, I've been an emotional wreck. Well I had a meltdown. I was crying, I got an instant migraine, I was furious. When we moved, I Freecycled 2 gigantic boxes of Christmas stuff, I thought for sure I had given it away by accident. I ended up taking a Lorazepam to calm down. Then I thought, let me dump out one of the smaller boxes full of plastic ornaments and see if it's in there. Sure enough, there it was! Boy did I feel stupid. I had even briefly, with my eyes, accused Little R of taking it. She takes all my Harley shirts, so I jumped to conclusions. Man I felt bad once I found it. This is a perfect example of what an emotional mess I am these days. I think I'm just getting too old for all the pressure of Christmas.

Speaking of pressure, then there's Christmas Eve. We've been invited to an open house at one of my nephew's places. We were thrilled to go. My whole family will be there. It's not Christmas without seeing your family. So of course we're going to go. We still aren't sure if T is coming here or not. He's being a bit of a dick about it. First he said he might have to work. Now he's saying he doesn't have any money. That's more believable than the work story. So he won't give Mr. Man a definate yes or no, he's hemming and hawing. Well we'd like to know so we can prepare. We really just assumed he would come spend the holidays with us. He has no one else. But it's starting to sound like he'd be just as happy to sit home alone drinking his face off. Anyways, we were planning to bring him with us to my nephews place. Didn't think anything of it. After all it's an open house, and he is family. Then Little R decided she wanted to bring her boyfriend too. She asked my nephews wife if that would be ok. That's when I found out they don't want us to bring any extra people. Well I was just pissed. What is their problem? What ever happened to "the more the merrier"? I couldn't imagine leaving T sitting at our place alone on Christmas Eve while we go to visit my family. A similar situation arose last year and we ended up not going. So I was upset and just didn't know what to do, so I called my sister. Ah the calm voice of reason. She made me see that my nephew and his wife had their reasons for not wanting extra people and I had no choice but to accept that and respect their wishes. She made me realize that yes I do really want to see my family at Christmas and it would be ok to leave T here for a couple of hours, he's a big boy and can fend for himself for a couple of hours. She made me see that not going wasn't really an option for me. After talking to her I calmed right down, my decision was made and it would all be fine. But again my first reaction was purely emotional.

It doesn't help that I'm menopausal. It doesn't help that it's that time of the month for both me and Little R. Thankfully that will be over with before the actual holidays get here. It doesn't help that T is being a dick. It doesn't help that the apartment is in chaos. But I have faith. We will survive. This time of year always gets crazy. But really, I'm old enough to just kick back, go with the flow and actually enjoy myself. And that's my plan. I'm going to sit back with my coffee and watch it snow. Have a great day.


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