Thanks For The Pics...

Today is the day I go for "further testing" and I am scared, even though I know I won't likely find out anything today.
The other day S.W asked me which email I check more often and I told her. So last night while I was sitting here waiting for some pictures from her, I kept checking the email I told her I use, thinking, she knows this is the one I use because she asked me exactly that. This morning I checked the other email and sure enough there was the pictures! Why would she do that? Thank you for the effort S.W. Most of them are so unclear and/or distant you can't even tell who is in it though. Live and learn, I won't be letting Hubby go anywhere without the camera again lol. I guess he didn't think about it because its usually me who throws it into my purse every time we go anywhere. Anyhow, it looks like they had a nice setup there and smaller classes. The ring looks huge. I'm sorry I missed it.

I think one of those photos might be her getting second.

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