Arthur Santa Claus Parade
Good evening.
After a tour all over Elora, we made it to Arthur in the nick of time. Hubby saw in the paper that there was a parade in Elora as well as Arthur. Since Elora is closer to us we decided to go there instead. Hubby thought both parades started at 7 p.m. We got to Elora just in time to see the very end, we asked another spectator if it was over or just starting, and it was over, it had started at 6. Looks like we missed a good parade too, lots of music and lights. So we pile back into the car, and I thought we were heading to Arthur, as we still had time to catch that parade, but no, Hubby had a different idea, he was heading to the end of the parade route! So after much driving around Elora, coming to road blocks, and finally clueing me in on his little plan, we eventually headed to Arthur, sheesh. As I said, we made it just in time. Honestly I wouldn't have minded missing the first half of it, as it was all emergency vehicles, blaring their horns and sirens, like 20 of them! I wouldn't want to be living in Arthur and needing an ambulance or firetruck on parade night. And I'm glad we decided against bringing Bear this time, he would have been having a nervous breakdown. I'm glad we went, it was worth it. Of course my camera was acting up, new batteries and all, it doesn't seem to like being out in the cold. The floats were all very creative and festive, the whole thing was very well done. Took lots of pictures but most didn't turn out very good. Heres some that turned out decent...

As usual the photos just don't do justice.
Did you know the movie "A Christmas Story" was made in 1983? I did not know that! Big R was born in '83 and I would remember that movie being around then. I'm sure I never even heard of it until the '90's sometime. Its all over the news today because some guy bought the house where it was filmed, has restored it, and opened it today as a museum type of thing. Apparently, from what I read today, it took a while for the movie to catch on, but once it did, it became a classic right up there with "Miracle on 34th Street" and "White Christmas". I know it's one of my favourites.
I'm glad to see there are several new Christmas movies coming out this year. Books too.
Is it just me, or isn't it still a little early for festive lights up and ON everywhere? I noticed a heck of a lot of homes all decked out and lit up during our travels this evening. Ours are up but we weren't turning them on just yet. I don't know, I just don't have the spirit this year. We need snow!
I'm off, have a lovely night.
It looks like Santa is flipping the bird in the last pic. I guess you were naughty :)
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