~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Friday, November 17, 2006

It's An Honour To Be Nominated...BUT...You Lose

It was so ugly out I slept most of the day and that's why I'm here now at 12:45 in the morning. It was just dark, dreary, cold, wet and foggy, yuk.

Little R received a Christmas card the other day. It was from the 4H Club. It was one of those cards that's blank so you can write your own note inside. It was quite the note. The purpose of which, was telling her what an honour it is just being nominated, but, unfortunately, you're not getting the award, someone else is. As usual, I think I was more disappointed than she was.

I still haven't heard anything from the Palmerston Hospital in regards to an appointment for a more indepth biopsy. The doctor himself called me to explain, that it was really too complicated to explain to me, and there is no hurry, (that's a matter of opinion I think), but I do need to go back and the hospital will call with an appointment.
The dentist is waiting for me to make the appointment to get the rest of my teeth pulled. I can't do that until I have about $1500 to spare. Meanwhile, my dentures are ready and waiting and my gums are apparently shrinking. This will just mean more $$ for more adjustments later. Sigh.

My new internet service is great. I even have a slightly faster connection with it.

We dropped off our Christmas Child shoeboxes this evening. We truly enjoyed the whole experience and look forward to making it a tradition. It turns out, in future years, I can get the pre-made, pre-printed boxes from the drop-off center. They are a little smaller than the boxes we used, so we'll see. I wouldn't really want to have to go any smaller, it was tough enough cramming everything into the bigger boxes. It would just eliminate having to wrap them.

Little R went to the Science Center with her class. The volunteer parent in charge of her group is a smoker. Therefore they spent a portion of their time sitting and waiting, while said parent went out for a smoke. That isn't right. And that's one reason I don't bother volunteering. It isn't fair to the kids. And this is a parent who had the cahones to criticise my parenting. A thoughtless individual, who does things for all the wrong reasons, but believe they appear to be doing the right thing. All I can say is, I'm not surprised. I am however surprised that the school allows this.

I'm tired, finally. More to come tomorrow...


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