~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Sunday, March 25, 2007

Cosmic Bowling?

It was a chilly, rainy, glum sort of day, so we went to our favourite cozy little restaurant for breakfast. From there we went to one town and then another in search of new shoes for Little R. We hit the thrift store where I got myself a cross stitch kit for $5. I've never done cross stitch in my life so I'll have to ask S.W to show me how to do it.
Then Hubby went over to S.Ws to continue on with the renovations. While he was there I decided to go through my candle cabinet. Yes, I have a cabinet full of candles and candle holders, doesn't everyone? Well, I pulled out this box and it was full of candle holders which I had forgotten I even have. Millions of them, so it seemed. I weeded them out and now have a whole box of candle holders for the yard sales and still have a cabinet full of them for myself, jeez.
Upon reading the local paper we saw a letter from one of the trucking companies Hubby had mentioned in his letter that got published recently. This letter was in response to Hubbys letter. It basically stated that Hubby should have called the authorities the night of the blizzard rather than go out there and help the stranded motorists. That the truck drivers use caution all the time and Hubby should have used caution that night. That Hubby was putting people in danger , not the truck drivers who flew past them out there. I think this may prompt several more letters since everyone here in paradise knows that those transport trucks speed through our little hamlet all the time. The speed limit drops from 80 to 60 as you go through our hamlet. Most transport trucks fly through here doing 100. It is only the odd truck that actually slows down. Hubby was a hero that night, period. It is only luck that no one was hurt. The trucks that went by did not use caution at all, even in blizzard conditions, which is what was so frightful. I for one am going to write a letter. That road should have been closed, period.
So D.W offered to take us out for dinner as thanks for Hubby spending all week over there helping out with their renovation job. We went to a Chinese buffet, not the place we went last time that made us ill, but the place we usually go to. Dinner was yummy. Before going I had all these topics of conversation in my head. Once there, I don't think I said two words through the whole dinner, my mind went blank. I had absolutely nothing to say, which is odd. At the end of the meal, when we got our fortune cookies, I got a funny feeling and switched cookies with Hubby. When I cracked mine, guess what? It was empty! I had no fortune! What does that mean? D.W tried telling me its good luck, I don't believe him. It was all kind of creepy and left me feeling strange. The blank mind and the blank fortune, weird.
After dinner we decided to go bowling. I can't even remember the last time I bowled. I was on a league when I was a little kid. I don't think I've ever played 10 pin before, it was always 5 pin. I don't remember how to keep score at all so its a good thing its done automatically now. After a couple of games we stuck around for the cosmic bowling which started at 9:30. I've never experienced that before. It was pretty cool. The best I did was one spare. Everyone else got at least one strike. I think all our scores were pretty much pathetic though. But we had a good time.
At one point Hubby disappeared. I asked everyone where he was and they all told me "he's over there talking to some guy." When I looked over I didn't recognize the guy he was talking to. It turns out it was the guy Hubby used to work for, back when we first met, a long time ago. The bowling alley was recently taken over by a new owner, and it turns out he is the new owner. That was quite a surprise. What are the chances of them ending up in the same little town, meeting up in a bowling alley of all places, after all these years? I was also surprised how much bowling costs, it's expensive. Like I say, its been a long time for me. It was great, good clean fun. Though there is a bar there and the Molson Canadians were sliding. A good time was had by all.
We had a very good day.



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