~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Tuesday, March 20, 2007


As we were shopping through the grocery store we came upon a huge bin of discount movies. There were DVDs as well as VHS tapes. So we stopped to browse through the movies. You know I'm not a big movie watcher. But every once in a while I do like to sit and watch a flick, rare as it is, it does happen. One that we picked was "Best Of Adam Sandler On SNL" and we watched it last night after dinner. It was only $.49 so we couldn't go wrong. It was ok, nothing to write home about. I kept thinking "Man, Saturday Night Live was so much better back in the day". Back when John Belushi, Gilda Radner, Jane Curtain and Dan Ackroyd were on it. I used to watch it all the time and it always made me laugh. I haven't watched it in probably 15 - 20 years. I hardly watch TV at all any more, what are the chances that I'll be watching on a Saturday night? Next to nil.
Another movie we got, for $1.99 is "The Grifters", haven't watched it yet. As I was removing the cellophane wrapper today I noticed theres a piece of broken plastic floating around inside, as it too is a VHS tape. So we'll have to remove that before we even put it in the VCR.
The best deal we got was "Titanic" for $3.99. I know it's absolutley ridiculous that I've never seen it before, I must be the only person on earth who hadn't, but I did watch it last night. I was up half the night again, as it is a very long movie. (It's on 2 VHS tapes.) I must say, I can't wait to watch it again with Hubby. That was about the best movie I have ever sat through. Never a dull moment. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It made me want to go back to the grocery store and look for more movies to buy.
Also Hubby picked a couple of westerns on DVD. He can watch those himself when he's pulling an all-nighter by himself, which he also does from time to time. But seriously, at those prices, I think we will go back and see what else we can find. It's time I do like the rest of the world and start watching more movies. It is a great pastime, especially when paradise is frozen over.
It's been snowing on and off again the last couple of days. Like, enough already. Hubby has gone back over to the S.W household to help out with the renovations. This morning he informed me that he has been working up on their roof. Great. Good thing I didn't pop over for a visit because I would have been lecturing him like his grandma. What, he isn't crippled enough, he has to fall off a roof now? Hopefully they'll finish the job today.
I think they're calling for the temperatures to rise again in a couple of days. I can't wait. I've had enough of the deep freeze. If I had access to my own car I might head into town to the tanning place, but alas, Hubby needs my car.
So that's it. Very uneventful. Just rediscovering the joy of movies.
Have a good day.


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