~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Garage Sale Chatter

I woke up today with this pain in one side of my back, it is excruciating, and it hasn't stopped. I have no idea what it could be from, and I have no idea how to make it go away.
Hubby has been over at S.Ws every day this week. They've put on a new roof and everything. He's been going to his appointments first thing and then heading over there until dinner time or later. The break away from each other has been good, almost like he's back to work. I haven't been doing much, sleeping and puttering, waiting for spring. I'm thinking I need stronger medication, it doesn't seem to be working as well now. I've been super lazy, not even getting dressed unless I absolutely have to, only going out when I have to, sleeping a lot, more or less how I am when I'm depressed, hmmmm. But I don't have the feelings of sadness or anything, my moods are stable, I feel ok, weird.
Speaking of work, Hubby got a letter from his boss with some more forms for his doctors to fill out etc. The letter sounds all official and shit and then near the end it says "witch" instead of "which". There were other minor typos and stuff, but come on, this is his boss, the owner of the company, Mr. Big Man, kind of hard to take him seriously sometimes. The whole thing is not going well, he is not happy with Hubby at this point. Oh well.
Today has been bad because of this stupid back pain and its been cold and dreary out, now it's pouring rain, cold rain, yuk. But I guess it's better than more snow.
I have been puttering with my yard sale stuff on and off. I've got several boxes packed and many more to go. They're small boxes. I find myself not wanting to part with stuff, but so far I've been ruthless, haven't changed my mind and decided to keep anything yet. I have one big box in the basement of toys I was keeping for grandbabies. I haven't gotten to that box yet. I keep trying to tell myself I can just get NEW toys if and when I ever have grandbabies, but then I think, "But these toys are so cool, I won't be able to get THESE toys again". I may have trouble parting with that box. I also have several boxes down there of stuff we got at an auction just before we moved here, so I'm not even sure what all is in them. And a couple of last minute boxes that have never been unpacked. You know when you move and there's just odds and sods laying around and you just toss it all in a box?
So I'm plugging away, cleaning everything and sticking prices on it and packing it in boxes. I still haven't decided if I'll be joining in on the "community garage sale" or not. I likely won't decide until the time comes.
I read a couple of websites about yard sale tips. One of them said to go ahead and put out broken appliances, people will buy them just for parts or whatever. I'm wondering if that includes electronics. I have DVD players that no longer work, video games, VCRs, stereos, computers coming out the wazoo. But I can't see myself trying to sell stuff that doesn't work, it just doesn't seem right. I find it hard to believe anyone would actually buy broken stuff. We'll see. I've washed two loads of stuffed animals so far. Little R wants to keep some of them, but ugh, why? And I still have another load to wash. They're all very cute and in excellent condition and I can certainly understand her not wanting to part with some of them. One thing I know, I'm glad I did get started two months ahead, because I just have a ton of stuff to go through and this way I can do it at my leisure and make sure I get everything. It would suck to come across a bunch of forgotten stuff after the fact.
And well, the sewing machine is still sitting there, waiting to be threaded. I had another look at all the fabrics I got, and now I'm not even sure I'll have enough for a quilt. That's a good excuse eh? I'm so antsy lately, just want some nice weather, want to get outside puttering and I can't seem to hold my concentration. Part of BPD? I don't know.
We have all this wood we've collected for making stuff, like bird houses and things like that. I have a brand new scroll saw, still in its box, and a brand new dremel tool, but Hubby used that to cut some part on my car. I haven't done anything with it, had it for ages. When I went to that meeting last week, the hostess brought out a bird house that she had made and plans on selling at the community garage sale. She used wood left over from firewood. She did a very good job. She plans on asking $15. I'm thinking, wow, that could be lucrative. I know a couple of summers ago, one ride we went on was in search of bird houses for one of our riding friends. It was a good excuse for a good ride out in the country. But it was a Sunday and nothing was open. The point is, people do buy bird houses and actually go looking for them. My dilemma is I have nowhere to set up my brand new scroll saw, etc., until I de-clutter. I have tons of wood for all kinds of crafty projects, barn boards and trim. I just have nowhere to work.
So yeah, that is my main focus these days, what can I get rid of to make room around here to do all the things I want to do. I must say I've seen, even bought, some fairly odd stuff at yard/garage/barn sales. I keep reminding myself the one sale I did have about ten years ago was quite a success. I got rid of the majority of stuff and made a pretty penny doing it too. I think success depends on your motivation and presentation. If you're doing it to make money you probably won't get far. If you just want to get rid of everything, you'll do well. Also if you clean everything up and make sure everything is working etc. you'll do better than if you just put out a bunch of old dusty, rusty, crap. Though I must admit seeing a bunch of dusty, rusty old crap has never stopped me from browsing. Crazy.
Well, I'm off. All this talk about it has got me in the mood to go rooting through my crap some more.
Have a lovely evening y'all.

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