~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Friday, March 16, 2007

Yard Sale, I'm Confused

I went to the meeting of garage sale ladies the other night. Three out of the four were there and I found out there is now a fifth, who also wasn't there. Their goal is to get ten people involved. We discussed how we're going to set up all the tables in the town hall, flyers and newspaper ads, stuff like that. One of the ladies was very talkative, and not about the sale but about herself. We had to keep gently steering the conversation back to the sale. Coffee and tea was served. I opted for coffee, I'm not a big tea totaler, and she had these coffee-in-a-tea-bag things, I've never seen them before, it was very good. She also served homemade shortbread cookies, yum. This was my first time in this house. I've always wanted to see it because it's a big old Victorian here in town. I was not disappointed. It was fabulous and I wish Hubby had come with me so he could see for himself what I really want in a home. In the kitchen she had an antique wood burning cookstove, can you imagine? The thing was huge. I asked her if she actually cooked with it or of it was just for heat, (it was obvious that it did get used), and she said it's mainly for heat but it does come in handy for cooking when the power goes out. Also when she has Christmas dinner there, the turkey gets cooked in the old stove. Nice. There was a lot of original woodwork going on and just all the cool and funky stuff you expect to see in a big Victorian. I'm not sure how much we accomplished, we didn't really settle much. And since they're still looking to recruit more people, we don't know much really. I think it was more of a social call than anything else. I'm still a little confused on the plan for payment to rent the hall etc. I have a feeling I'm still going to end up having my own yard sale at home in May. I have a lot of large stuff that I won't be able to haul over to the hall. I like the idea of it being in April, that's earlier in the season than usual, and I like that its indoors, so rain or shine it doesn't matter. I just don't want to end up selling all my good stuff there and having nothing good left for my own sale. I think I have enough stuff to do two sales. I don't know, I'm still a little torn. Because I have to lay out money I want to make it worth my while, which means bringing good stuff to sell. Having it at home there is no money outlay. So I really have to start going through my stuff and figure out if I can do two, otherwise I'll have to back out of this and just do it at home. Also having the other people involved seems to make it all a little more complicated than it needs to be. So I came away from it more confused than anything. Sigh.
I'm liking this mild weather, all that snow is melting fast. The other day when I saw Robins, Eddie proceeded to chase them away. I have several bird feeders and I hope he isn't going to chase all the birds away come summertime. I've noticed recently that I haven't seen any bunnies in ages, like a good year at least. I used to see them just about every morning and evening, if not in our own yard then somewhere on the street. But it seems since we got Bear, no bunnies. I'm wondering if someone is trapping them or something. Because we did still see them after Bear moved in, he chased them, but they always came back and now nothing, not one, anywhere. Strange.
So I took a break from blogging after being interrupted for the umpteenth time and went about sorting through my sale stuff. What a mess. I do have some really good stuff, there's just so much of it and space in this house has become very limited for sorting etc. It would be much easier to just do it at home. I can't imagine carting all this stuff back and forth. The hall isn't very far away or anything, but it isn't in my front yard either. I found that I have even more than I realized as I went through the bathroom drawers. Lotions and potions which have never and will never be used. How many hair dryers and curling irons does one family need? I found a ton of treasures just in the bathroom!
I am literally drowning in clutter here. I went to clear off the kitchen table this morning and damn near had a nervous breakdown. Screws from unknown sources, newspapers and flyers from 2 weeks ago, stacks of bills - paid and unpaid, receipts, pens, pencils, matches, lighters, calculators, tools, business cards. You name it, you can find it on my kitchen table. It just isn't right. The main culprit is Hubby. However, I did get it sorted out and hopefully I can even remove it today so I can put a clean tablecloth on, wouldn't that be nice?
The spare bedroom is so packed with stuff, theres no real room for sorting and packing. I asked Hubby for any suggestion on what to do with the stuff once I clean it, price it and pack it. Just guess what he suggested. He said, just put it on the diningroom table. Are you shitting me? I've also been trying to clear that off just so I can get the Christmas tablecloth off of there! Give me a break. I haven't even gone near the basement and garage yet. Treasures abound there I tell ya.
See, I've been planning to do this for about 3 years now. I've been gradually tossing stuff into the spare bedroom, which has become my gift wrapping/yard sale storage room. As I say the stuff was "tossed" in there. I'm a little overwhelmed. Not a doubt in my mind at this point that I will have enough crap for two sales. But I kind of only want to go through it all once rather than twice. Gawd I hate feeling so wishywashy. I don't like being confused. I guess I'll just wait and see what happens. A simple yard sale shouldn't become so complicated.


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