~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Freecycle Flakes

This Freecycle shit is just starting to get on my last nerve. I guess it all depends on how badly you want something, or how badly you want to get rid of something. Currently I am trying to get rid of this TV cabinet and I am trying to find a bottom for this hutch we got last week or so. That was my own fault because I was confused thinking a hutch was actually a buffet, now I need a buffet to put the hutch on.
So my post to get rid of the TV cabinet clearly states WHERE it can be PICKED UP. Don't I get an email saying "it's perfect for me, can you deliver it?" WTF? Ummm...NOOOO. We also had the forethought to carry it ourselves from down in our familyroom up and out to the garage, for easy pick up. I don't know how many people have emailed me saying they want it and then saying "oh, you're too far away". Ever heard of Mapquest people?? Like why don't they look it up before they email me? WTF? Then there's the dame who was getting a friend to drive her here last night and I haven't heard from since. Yeah OK. Thanks a mill. How long am I supposed to wait to hear from her before I just offer it to someone else? Flippin flakes.
Now the guy who has a possible buffet for me, its actually a long dresser, but I figure I can work with that, he emails me today telling me this thing is 6 feet long and we'll have to carry it out of his basement! WTF? I'm tempted to tell him to forget it and throw the hutch on the bonfire.
Its just killing me, these people are fried. Anything I've offered, I've had ready to go, cleaned up, waiting by the front door or in the driveway, whatever. I wouldn't dream of making people carry stuff out of my basement or asking them to deliver it to me. Unreal. Also any pick ups I've made have been the same, uneventful, painless, ready and waiting. So there are SOME normal ass people out there. I think I should start keeping track of who is normal and who is a flake.
Its hard to explain without giving away my exact location, and that aint gonna happen. But there is a town that is very wide. I'm near the west end of it. A lot of the folks on the Freecycle site for that town are at the east end of it. Its very far away. In fact they are technically in East _______ NOT in _______. I live near _______ NOT East _______. They should have another site. And there must be something in the water out there, from what I've seen in emails from there. I don't think it would even occur to any of these folks to start a site for their area. Just like it doesn't occur to them to use Mapquest. I can't be any more specific than I am in my posts, but still get asked stupid questions. Now that that thing is out in my garage, I don't care if its here or not. I planned on having it in my yard sale anyways. The person who asked if I could deliver it even offered to PAY for the delivery! The site rules clearly specify NO MONEY is to be offered or exchanged. Am I the only one who read the rules?
This is why I am happy in my little paradise bubble world. I don't play well with others. I have no time for stupid people. I have no patience. And I've decided I'm going to send buddy with the dresser/buffet an email telling him to forget it. Let me know when its sitting in the driveway and I'll come pick it up. Until then, have a nice life. I don't want it that bad.
Freecycle is a great idea. It's a shame not everyone reads or understands the rules. It's a shame some people think its all about getting free stuff. Its a shame some people are just inconsiderate morons.
Ah well, its too beautiful outside to sit here getting pissed off over nothing. I'm going out to enjoy the day and get some shit done around here.
Have a great day.

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