Remember "Nugget Buddies"?
It's 1:30 in the afternoon. I just came in from puttering in the garage. It was no small feat getting Hubby out there helping me. As we were sorting through everything, I couldn't stop myself from bitching. Some of the things I came across just should not have been there. It is such a ridiculous mess, which Hubby created. He kept threatening that if I didn't stop bitching he was going to leave. About 10 - 15 minutes into it he decided he needed to drive over to S.Ws house to get his ladder. He's gone now LOL. But before he left, I got my new wheelbarrow/planter out of the trunk to take a picture of it, to post here.

Isn't that cute? Not worth $60 mind you, but cute. Something else I can figure out how to make with all my cool saws and barn board some day. I'm thinking that could be quite lucrative if I can ever get to it.
Just when I thought Hubby would be gone til after dark, he came back. I assumed the ladder was just an excuse enabling him to escape. Maybe thoughts of me alone in his garage were enough to drag him back.
It was a damn cold day. It should not be this cold and I seem to recall saying the exact same thing in September. And it was in the pluses, so it shouldn't feel so cold. Even Hubby complained about it and that is mega-odd.
I discovered boxes full of toys that I had forgotten about. Also, boxes full of mainly McDonalds toys. We have an admirable sized collection. Did we really eat that much McDonalds? You bet we did! We once lived in an apartment that was infested with cockroaches. They were so thick I couldn't use the kitchen. I was financially trapped there for three years. As fate, or luck, or Satan would have it, we were right behind a McDonalds. So, we pretty much lived on it for 3 years. That's A LOT of happy meals folks. Man, that was a nightmare, living there. The landlord or superintendant refused to fumigate the place properly. I guess it cost too much, I don't really know why, but that was the most insane time of my life, partly because of my living conditions. The roaches were there long before me. And when I moved out, I left most of my furniture behind and went to a great deal of trouble to be sure not to bring any with me. I was successful, it was worth the effort and extra work. But I digress...
The toys...millions of little doodads. Pieces that go with other pieces. Accessories. OMFG. Now I remember why it's all in boxes out in the garage. But I am determined. This is why they haven't found their way out to the curb. Some day I'm going to sort them all out and they are going in a yard sale. That day is here. Lord give me strength. I may hang onto some of the McDonalds collections though. You know, the collectible sets. UGH.
Remember the stupid hollow plastic "Nugget Buddies" with different little outfits, hats and costumes? We have millions of those. They are the one thing I may just throw away. We have trolls, remember those? And "My Little Pony"? And "Betty Spaghetti"? And game pieces, and "Lite-Brite" pegs, and marbles, and dice, and "Barbie" accessories, dolls, doll houses, doll clothes for dolls which have long since departed, and The manic or anal side of me refuses to give in and JUST PITCH IT. So far.
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