~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Saturday, May 05, 2007

I Heart Karma

Well we took the car back to the dealer and honestly the guy seemed pretty clueless about what was causing the alarm to go off. Still haven't heard back from them to come pick it up, grrrrrr. The lawnmower wasn't ready yet either, maybe today. We did at least get the car bra.

Hubby started working on the bike yesterday. I was sitting out in the garage with him which I really shouldn't do because I get very nervous when I see him pulling it apart. He's never really failed me yet with fixing the bike up himself. That's the beauty of an old shovelhead they can be wrenched without the help of a Harley Technician. He had started it up yesterday, music to my ears, but there was still this funny noise (that only he could hear), which started last year after he had it in the shop. He found the problem and now knows what he needs to do. When I got up this morning, I slept in, he was already gone. I'm assuming he went down to get parts. There is a Show & Shine tomorrow, first one locally of the season, and he is determined to ride to it.

The weather is getting progressively better each day. Next week is supposed to be fabulous. It doesn't look like we're going to be able to put up the fence now, until we get more money. We are animals with money. I have all this stuff to plant and I was waiting for the fence before I go planting anything. Now I don't know what to do with it all. I guess I'll have to figure something out. I noticed my Clematis is growing, I thought it was dead, but apparently not. I was planning to move it once we have the fence up. I'm thinking I should have cut the grass before taking the lawnmower in for the tune-up. It really needs it now.

So today will be spent puttering outside, maybe doing some planting, while Hubby fixes the bike for tomorrow. I don't know if the Hummingbirds are back yet, but I won't know until I put out a feeder, so I think I'll do that today too. The inside of the house is a wreck, but I hate staying in when it's so nice out. I've been waiting for this nice weather and ignoring the inside chores. Sigh. We are invited to a barbecue later today. Don't know if the fire ban has been lifted yet or not. It's possible, I hope so. And I'm hoping the dealer calls so I can go get my car. Hubby was out in the garage until after midnight last night. We were up kind of late that's why I slept in. I like it when he's like this, determined, pumped, excited about something.

Oh yeah, and there's some more karma going around. Trouble in paradise. Again all I can do is sit back and watch. I heart karma.

Have a great day.


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