~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Friday, May 04, 2007

My Dysfunctional Car

Well no sooner did I publish my last entry, you know where I said the car was all fixed up and everything was working fine than I heard a car horn going beep...beep...beep...beep. I ran up the stairs saying "Omg I sure hope that isn't my car" and of course it was my car. There it was beeping away, the headlights flashing, making quite a spectacle of itself. Once I got it turned off, the interior light stayed on. Finally got that to go off too, came back in and a few minutes later it did it again. This went on, every few minutes for an hour or so. Finally Hubby went out and disconnected the battery. So we'll be going back to the dealer to get that straightened out. It must have happened before we picked it up too because the lady said "Oh look, someone must have left the lights on". The alarm only went off when the car was locked. If it was left unlocked then just the lights would come on. There has been a rash of break ins in the neighbourhood in the last couple of weeks, including breaking into cars, so at first that's what we thought was going on. Then we thought it was just kids fooling around. It's probably kids pulling the break ins actually, stealing stereos, CDs and cell phones. But after Hubby sat outside in the dark and saw it start up with no help from kids trying to break into it, we figured it's just the car malfunctioning. It did have electrical issues, so I guess they're not all fixed up after all.

I notice I also mentioned Bears "fake leather" cap. Well it's actually real leather, just sayin. That would partially explain the price of it.

It looks like today is going to be a nice one. Little R missed the bus so I had to drive her to school, which means I've already been out and about. It's cool but seems like it will warm up. I think she missed the bus on purpose. I think she's trying to avoid someone. Last night she filled me in on some stuff that's been going on with another kid who lives down the street tormenting her. Actually this kid torments everyone, not just Little R. I'm not sure how to handle this, personally I think the best way to deal with it is to just blow it off. But yeah, that's easy for me to say, I'm not the one being tormented. It is common knowledge that this girl has issues and is not the kindest person around. Oh well, I'll just keep my ears and eyes open and hope it doesn't get too far out of hand.
I guess I'll be a busy little bee today. Hubby has physical therapy this morning, first time after the surgery, should be brutal. And then after that we have to go to town and try to collect our lawnmower and car bra and visit the dealer about the car alarm going off for no apparent reason.
It's going to be another gorgeous day so get out there and enjoy it.


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