~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The New Car

Well, we went back to both car lots and ended up picking a completely different car from the first place. It's a 2000 Neon, sort of a pale brownish/goldish colour. It's not really what either of us had in mind, but it's probably the best deal. It has good qualities like good mileage etc. As long as we're still planning to get a big truck in the near future. Now we're also thinking about getting ourselves a plot of land somewhere to park the redneck trailer on. Somewhere with trees.

Our driveway is a disaster. That trailer takes up a lot of room. With it there we don't really have the space to put up that basketball hoop for Little R. Which, by the way, is also out there laying BESIDE the driveway. Now we also have the old pick-up truck in the driveway, and that thing looks like hell. The paint is falling off in sheets. But it runs fine. But it's not plated. We've decided to keep my current hulk just so I'll have wheels this weekend for hauling my yard sale stuff over to the town hall and possibly back home again. The car dealer offered to take it, and originally that was the plan. However, plans are subject to change at any time. We have 3 bicycles, a snowblower and a pile of firewood out on the driveway also. One of the bikes is Little Rs first 2 wheeler. I think that could go in the yard sale. One is mine that I've ridden on once. Paid like $10-$15 for it at the side of the road, randomly, because it looked just like one I had as a kid AND it has coaster brakes. And the third is Little Rs current bike. We're thinking of getting her a new one WITH A HELMET for her birthday this year.

Who knows maybe I'll get in a groove and have a yard sale every year. Can get rid of her old bike and stuff. Something I thought of this morning that we can definately get rid of, but isn't easily accessible, is a hamster cage and accessories. Taking up space in the rafters of the garage. We'll never use it again. It's in great shape. I think I'll ask Hubby to dig it out for me tonight. I keep coming up with more stuff but not packing it for hauling it to the hall. I packed a set of dishes all nicely in a box only to find I missed the soup bowls. So now I have to find a bigger box and repack it. I have toys to clean, dishes to clean, it's endless really. I'll be glad when it's over and I can just do it on my own, in my own frontyard, whenever I feel like it. And can just do up my own signage and flyers. I wasn't overly impressed with the ones done for this. I was asked my opinion, but didn't want to offend. So I just went with the flow. I'm really hoping for a good turn out too.

Ah well, should get at it then. But I would so much rather go out and play around in my gardens. It's not the greatest kind of day for it, it's a little overcast and chilly. But I could still enjoy myself out there. The dogs love to be outside with me, but then I have to keep my eye on them both constantly. I don't know, but the longer I sit here typing the longer it'll be before I can go out. So, have a lovely afternoon.


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