Show & Shine Wheee
Yesterday was beautiful. The Show & Shine went well. There was a good turn out. Hubby spent the entire morning fiddling with the bike. When we were down at the bike shop the other day he got some new stuff for it. He still has one big job to do but was waiting until after the event to do it. One of the things he got was a new shifter. His was old, it was loose and worn out. They didn't have any of the same kind he had so he got a different one. I believe that's one of things he did yesterday morning. Before I would get on I asked him to do a little solo run first, just to make sure everything was a-ok. I wasn't in the mood to die yesterday. So off he goes, half way down the street I could tell something was amiss. He had lost a little, tiny, but very important clip off the shifter. We scoured the driveway looking for it. I even walked halfway down the street looking on the road. I kept looking while he figured out something else he could use to replace the clip. After I had given up looking for it, we were just standing there, I look down and there it is at my feet! Is this what we were looking for Honey? It sure is! So great, he puts it back on and away we go. We get a couple of miles from home and dam if it didn't come off again. This time we're out on the main road, there's no way we'll find it again. Luckily he was thinking and he brought some wire to use in case this happened. So at the side of the road he rigged it up with wire licketysplit and we were off again.

We got there without further incident. There were plenty of familiar faces. Usually the road is closed for this event, I don't think they had it closed this time. Cars kept driving through. At one point a cop even drove through. Jeez. So it was fun, saw all the familiar folks and met a couple of new ones. One of my not so favourite neighbours was there and sort of spoke to me. Johnny was there with his table set up selling tshirts and photos. I was perusing the photo albums when I came across a couple of good ones of me and Hubby so I snagged them. There was barbecued venison (eeeewww), there was a dyno truck set up and Hubby could have been the first one on it for a reduced rate but he was too slow making up his mind. Someone was trying to sell a gorgeous ladies jacket, it said "Shovelhead" across the back, Shovelheads rule!!, but they wanted $650 for it! Um, I don't think so. There were a couple of live bands. Jennie had a booth set up selling her leathers. All in all it was a very good time. I'm very glad we met the people we met. We'll be going to a local pig roast in August which we've been hearing about since we moved here, finally met the guy and got a personal invite. I didn't take many pictures, maybe took five, just wasn't thinking about it.
As I'm sitting here, I hear the garbage truck going by, dam. I forgot. Good thing I don't have a lot to put out, it can wait until next week, sigh.
So today we're going over to D & S's place for a barbecue dinner and he has a cool hydraulic lift in his garage so Hubby can put the bike on that and fix the clip problem. Today is supposed to be fabulous and hot.
I'll leave you with a couple of photos the first one is one of the ones I got from Johnny, it was taken 2 years ago. The others are from yesterday...
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