~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Saturday, August 25, 2007

A New Appreciation

I'm feeling a little bit hungover this morning. Nothing too serious, just a little shakey and achey. Somehow Mr. Man convinced me to go over to D.Ws with him last night. There was going to be some drinking while they worked on the truck. Not much work was accomplished at all, but quite a bit of drinking happened. I took a couple of pictures of the truck and apparently D.W has taken some also. I won't bother posting any until the job is finished. There aren't really any "before" pictures with all the rust, holes in the body and peeling paint. We didn't think to start taking photos until after most of the paint had already been stripped off. Oh well. It's coming along, won't be ready as soon as they first thought, but that's to be expected I think.

After a few drinks, Mr. Man and I started reminicsing about the truck. We've had it for a long time and it's been through a lot. Remembering old times with the truck turned into just remembering old times period. The bad old days. For the first few years of our relationship things were pretty tumultuous. I had put most of it out of my mind completely. It was strange to recall and look back on some of the crap we went through. Our friends are currently going through a rough patch in their relationship. I think part of it was, "if we could survive that, then you guys can survive this." I think this may have been just the ticket to pull me out of my funk too. When I think about where we used to be and where we are now, we've come a long way. Things could be so much worse. We are much happier now than we were back in the day. We have both grown and grown up tremendously. I came home with kind of a new appreciation. When I think about it, really I have no reason to be sad or down. I am basically living my dream. So what's the problem? I have a man who is honest, hardworking and loves me. Oh and handsome, lets not forget he's handsome too! I can trust him and count on him. I have a home of my own in the country. I have a Harley in the garage. That's pretty much my dream. The life I want. We arrived here from very rough and humble beginnings. What's there to be unhappy about? I'm thinking last night helped to pull me out of this slump. Or maybe I still have a buzz on and things will go back to normal later in the day lol. But I don't think so. Last night I thought about things I haven't thought of in years. I remembered how bad life used to be at times. It made me realize how good I have it now. And how happy I really should be. It wasn't so long ago that I was outwardly happy. So, I'm going to do my best to get back on my feet, shake it off, and get on with life. No more funk.

We were up pretty damn early today as Little R has a show to do and she had to be at the farm at 6 a.m. We'll catch up with her later at the fair. There I was cleaning her whites last night when we got home after midnight. She got pretty damn soiled at the last show. And then didn't give me her whites to clean until yesterday. Ugh.

And I believe tonight we are going to some country bar for some drinking, dancing and pool. Yeehaw! There will be a band, a country band. Mr. Man likes country music. I can deal with it for one evening. I just want to get out. And I enjoy shooting pool.
I'm off to start my day, got tons of laundry to do. Have a great day!


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