~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Monday, November 19, 2007

A Pain Medication Induced Haze Of a Busy Weekend

What a whirlwind weekend. I've been in a pain medication induced haze and it seems like longer than 3 days. When I woke on Saturday I was much more uncomfortable than I had been on Friday, the actual day of the surgery. The more I look in the mirror, the less I like the new look. Mind you my face is still quite swollen, in fact it seems to get worse each day. It just isn't MY smile. MY smile is forever gone. It's weird. I suppose I'll get used to it of course, what choice do I have. It's just weird to look so different. So I've been pretty uncomfortable. I'm looking forward to going to the dentist tomorrow and at the same time dreading it. I haven't taken the dentures out at all, though I was told I could, no one showed me how to take them out or put them back in. And I'm afraid of any pain in doing so. I don't know if they feel right or not, I don't know how they're supposed to feel. And I'm starving.

So Saturday Mr. Man suggested we go Christmas shopping together. Mr. Man is not usually into Christmas so much. He doesn't enjoy shopping, usually. We put a big dent in the shopping, it was great. I pretty much got everyone on my list bought for, except for Mr. Man himself, because well, he was with me. I was stoned through the whole thing. We were in town in time to realize we were going to miss the Santa Claus parade. Here I thought it was on December 1, nope, it was Saturday, and we missed it.

We came home and rather than put up the outdoor lights, we put up our fake tree. We've never put up a tree this early before. But we had all this stuff we bought and thought where will we put it all? Well we could wrap it and put it under the tree of course. Nothing is wrapped yet, but hey, the tree is up. Why have a fake tree if you can't put it up early? We'll still get a real tree later to put in the familyroom. This year we decided to do the colour theme thing. We've never done that before either, and laughed at people who do. So the tree we put up is red, green and gold, and the real one will be blue, white and silver. In light of how it turned out, I think next year we'll go back to the traditional eclectic theme.

Stranger things have happened I'm sure, but I've been talking to "Anonymous Cathy" for the past week or so. We've talked online every single day. I must admit, it's nice to have someone to chat with at 5 am. We've been catching up. It's kind of like nothing ever happened, we've been getting along just swell. It's comforting to talk to someone you've known for as long as we've known each other. I am truly hoping it stays this way, that we can continue to get along and that the relationship remains the way it should have been all along. It all started with Facebook and a spur of the moment decision to contact her.

Speaking of Facebook and such, both Mr. Man and I have received messages from two of his neices. Two girls we're related to but don't even know. They're not exactly "girls" any more, they're both grown. In fact one of them got married this weekend. They are in contact with each other and both decided to seek out their extended family, that would be us. So we exchanged messages and are planning to get together for lunch or something in the near future. I've also gained contact with a couple of other people via Facebook this weekend who I haven't spoken to since we moved away.

Today Mr. Man went back to town by himself and I slept all afternoon. This evening we went over to SWs place so Mr. Man could help her out with networking two computers. He did it, techie that he is. She had to bribe me to get dressed and go over there, so she told me she had "some stuff" for me. I think she just wanted to see my new smile. She gave me some clothes. Someone had given her a pile of clothes and she didn't like them all or whatever, so she let me pick through them too. I got a few nice things.

I do look forward to the swelling going down, feeling more like myself, and being able to eat again. Over the course of the weekend I've had fleeting moments of feeling warm and fuzzy. The relief of having the teeth pulled, over and done with. The holiday shopping experience. All the new conact with people. Neighbours putting up their outdoor Christmas decorations. A nice quiet weekend with Mr. Man and Little R. It was a good, busy weekend. I'm sad to see the end of it. I want to feel warm and fuzzy about Christmas this year. It seems that may just happen after all.


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