~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Sunday, June 07, 2009

Quick Update

Today is overcast but mild. Last week was rainy and cold. They even turned the heat back on in the building. It's been a nice weekend. This weekend is the Blues & Jazz Festival here in town. There's different bands playing at all the pubs and bars and restaurants and out on the streets and in the parks. Friday night there was a car show, all old cars. We've all been doing a lot of walking. Today there is a Show & Shine at the Legion, not sure if we're going to bother walking over to that. Mr. Man is confident he will have the bike running this summer. We didn't ride at all last summer. We're storing the bike at S & Ds place and he can work on it there. S will be there to help him too. He also rides an old shovelhead. So between the two of them I'm sure they'll get the bike running.

It occurred to me the other day I no longer have a garden to putter in. I brought 2 big planters with me for the balcony. I didn't even keep a trowel though, I got rid of all my gardening stuff. That thought depressed me, I miss my gardens. I got to see one of my Trilliums bloom at the house before we moved. So now I realize I better get my flowers for my planters soon or else it will be too late. It's hard to believe it's June. I think I'm going to plant Impatiens in the planters since they are mostly in the shade. I only brought 2 of my house plants with me. And really there isn't even room for them.

On Monday morning we are getting new windows put in. That means we have to clear everything away from the windows. This is going to be a challenge. The unpacking has come to a standstill. I'm still surrounded by boxes. We have to rearrange the livingroom because of where the cable is. It just seems like an impossible task. We have to move all the furniture, the big screen tv and the computers. I realize the sooner we get all unpacked the sooner this place will feel like home. It's just a little overwhelming.

For the last couple of weeks I've had a terrible back ache. I went to the doctor for it on Friday. It's probably just because I spent 2 years doing nothing, just sitting in front of the computer and now all the sudden activity of walking the dog etc. my muscles are aching. I need to build up my muscles again. But the pain is so unbearable and keeping me awake all night long, I had to go to the doctor. He perscribed some muscle relaxers and pain killers as well as physical therapy and xrays, just in case it is something else.

So I haven't been doing much, been in too much pain. The unpacking stopped. The place is a mess. I think I'm going to try to get some done today. We have to clear the windows. So I'm off to get started. Have a great day.


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