~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Thursday, August 03, 2006

I Can't See The Pasture For All The Damn Sheep

Good afternoon...
Well that was quite the little storm last night. Amazingly the power only flickered off long enough to screw up the clocks and whatnot, it didn't stay off. We were out in it for a while, watching the clouds, looking for funnel clouds. Woohoo! The wind was whipping at times. I haven't read the news to see if there were any touchdowns, I hope not.
I must say the idea of moving is looking better all the time. I have come to realize I am surrounded by sheep. I did touch on this in my previous, but since deleted, posts. The whole "follow the leader" crap. What a bunch of lemmings. And highly educated sheep/lemmings at that! Handing out diagnoses and counselling, LMFAO.
Man, I so deeply wish I could control the universe. I wish I could stop all the things from happening, which I had no control over, that have formed the person I am. I wish I could be plastic and pretend to be perfect, so that all the world would think I was perfect and would like me. Puleez.
You know what folks? Don't pretend to care, when you don't. Don't pretend to understand, when you don't. Just be real. Be the self-righteous, judgemental jackasses that you are. Whatever gets you through the night you know.
Ouch. Isn't it true that you're just not the same if you don't have someone, ANYONE, to look down upon? To feel superior to? Unfortunately, I've known many a sheep in my life. I've seen the end results too LOL, the CRASHnBURN baby, when the REAL WORLD lands in YOUR backyard. The real universe where you have no control over the events which transpire. I was just a lucky one who got to experience things before my time. And yes, I would agree, that we are the masters of our own fate, BUT, there truly are things over which we have no control. It is the accumulation of life events which forms the people we are, the way we think, the way we view the world.
It is so funny to me, (I really do laugh out loud when I think about it), that of the ACTUALLY EDUCATED IN THE FIELD people I have spoken to, all on my own, without the helpful advice of any sheep, they have all told me the same things: I am strong, if not, I wouldn't be here today; I am intelligent, if not, I wouldn't be here today;and, I do quite nicely in life, all things considered, thank you very much.
Its a shame there seems to be more sheep/lemmings/jackasses in the world than strong, intelligent people. Who knows, the world may be a better place otherwise.
I'm going to do some dishes now...YUK...


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