~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Sunday, August 06, 2006

What Funk?

Greetings...its after midnight...Today was long. It started out happy and good, got a little bitchy and tense for a while, then it ended up happy. The Hubby got the bike ready for a ride tomorrow. He tuned it up, cleaned it up, put some new mirrors on and put in a new battery. So we're good to go. I'm a little apprehensive (of course) because we haven't rode much at all since last season, and tomorrows ride will be kind of long. I'm sure we'll be fine. Just worrying about Hubbys back.
We ended up in emerg. again last night (surprise!). This time it was for Little R. She's had this horrible barking cough for a couple of weeks. It was getting steadily worse. I had made an appointment with the doctor, but couldn't get one until next week. Last night her chest was starting to hurt from all the coughing, and it just couldn't wait until Tuesday. So off we went. In and out within an hour and a half. It was busy. So whatever it is, it was started by some virus and is now just a lingering irritation and they gave her a prescription for it.
Anyhow, the three of us spent the day together, which was nice. We got a little bit of 'back to school' shopping done. We cleaned the bike together. We had to go shopping for parts and whatnot. We hung out together at home, I got a bit of weeding done. Got all the grass cut on Friday.
Last week when Little R went to visit my nephews family, she got stung by a bee. I got stung by a bee today. Man it stings. Not as bad as the time I stepped on one and it stung my foot though lol.
I was going through my bargain box of books and I did get 40 for $1. We stopped at one yard sale in our travels today and I got a couple of old childrens books, not in very good condition, but, quite old. One of them is another Laura Ingalls Wilder, in paperback and poor condition, but I just want to read it lol.
One of my bargain books happens to be "How To Stop Worrying And Start Living". I've skimmed through it a bit and I know all this stuff. Positive thinking. Lately I seem to have forgotten how to do that. But its all coming back to me.
I'm sorry I've been so miserable and negative lately. I'm done now I think. I had it down pretty good there for a while. Just think happy thoughts and you'll feel happy. It really does work.
This Monday, there is a 4H competition where Little R can do her thing showing Gem. She keeps changing her mind. She doesn't feel ready. But their motto is 'learn to do by doing'. I'm hoping by Monday she will decide to go for it. I'm sure the first time is a little scary but all the more reason to just get the first time out of the way right.
We are planning to go to Wonderland at some point. Neither Little R nor Hubby have ever been there. I'm afraid it may be too much walking for Hubby. And the thought of my daughter on those rides doesn't thrill me. But I'm trying to think happy thoughts lol.
I picked 3 more tomatoes today!
Well I seem to be pulling myself out of this latest funk, I'm glad. So is my family I'm sure lol.
Have a great night.


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