Biopsies and Butterflies
Not sure if I feel any better yet or not. I did get the call from I go next week, the 19th, for a biopsy. Don't think I feel any better yet, kind of still in the twilight zone here. Breathing a little easier. Haven't been smoking. Hope I can stick with it after I start to feel better. Went from about 50 a day, basically chain smoking, to 5 yesterday and 3 so far today. Its a start.
Waited all summer to catch a photo of a butterfly on a flower. Of course, got my chance yesterday but was so sick couldn't hold the camera still, just a trembling I was. So Hubby tried too. We managed to get a couple of half decent shots, but most of them were very blurry and out of focus.

Waited all summer to catch a photo of a butterfly on a flower. Of course, got my chance yesterday but was so sick couldn't hold the camera still, just a trembling I was. So Hubby tried too. We managed to get a couple of half decent shots, but most of them were very blurry and out of focus.

what I was looking for, thanks
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