Beware Of Dog
I have never seen my guy do this before! This is his response to Edibles walking too closely while Bear had a rawhide bone. We don't usually give him those, but Edibles came with one, so we picked one up for Bear too. I made the mistake of sitting beside Bear and petting him while he was growling at Edibles. I then reached over to pet the Edster at the same time Bear lunged to scare him off, and he caught my hand in his mouth. Fuck me, did that hurt! At first it was a very angry red, the skin wasn't actually broken, but I thought my hand was. I immediately washed it and put ice on it, which hurt like hell. Several hours later, the wound isn't as dark red and it doesn't hurt. Surprisingly, nothing is broken. It's a little swollen and stiff, thats about it.
This freaked me out. I know he didn't mean to bite me. I know he was only warning Eddie, but still, there's about 1600 psi in those jaws, (just something I heard somewhere, may not be quite accurate), and he scared me. He seemed to know right away he had done something not cool, and banished himself to the bedroom. After I had calmed down I went in to talk to him, he seemed depressed and upset. He did make an appearance shortly afterwards though, and seems to be himself again. The rawhide bones were put away.
The whole episode made me question the decision to keep Edible. I guess I expected them to be getting along by now. I have no idea what to expect really. They seem to be getting along one minute, then snarling and barking at each other the next. But they have mellowed out from the first few hours together. After watching them, it seems Eddie is a sneaky little bugger and somewhat of a shit disturber. He tries to sneak up on Bear, when Bear is minding his own business. Bear makes no bones about it, he growls as soon as Eddie gets too close. He does not approach the Edster.
I honestly thought it would be easier. I thought Bear would be more accepting. I thought all this quarrelling would be over with in the first 24 hours. I now think I have more reading up on the subject to do.
So yeah, here are my first photos of Bear looking psycho and vicious. Gonna use one to print a "Beware Of Dog" or "Guard Dog On Duty" sign.
I sure hope things are going to improve between these two, well, they already have, but, there's plenty of room for improvement here.
Wish me luck.
Have a great day.

This freaked me out. I know he didn't mean to bite me. I know he was only warning Eddie, but still, there's about 1600 psi in those jaws, (just something I heard somewhere, may not be quite accurate), and he scared me. He seemed to know right away he had done something not cool, and banished himself to the bedroom. After I had calmed down I went in to talk to him, he seemed depressed and upset. He did make an appearance shortly afterwards though, and seems to be himself again. The rawhide bones were put away.
The whole episode made me question the decision to keep Edible. I guess I expected them to be getting along by now. I have no idea what to expect really. They seem to be getting along one minute, then snarling and barking at each other the next. But they have mellowed out from the first few hours together. After watching them, it seems Eddie is a sneaky little bugger and somewhat of a shit disturber. He tries to sneak up on Bear, when Bear is minding his own business. Bear makes no bones about it, he growls as soon as Eddie gets too close. He does not approach the Edster.
I honestly thought it would be easier. I thought Bear would be more accepting. I thought all this quarrelling would be over with in the first 24 hours. I now think I have more reading up on the subject to do.
So yeah, here are my first photos of Bear looking psycho and vicious. Gonna use one to print a "Beware Of Dog" or "Guard Dog On Duty" sign.
I sure hope things are going to improve between these two, well, they already have, but, there's plenty of room for improvement here.
Wish me luck.
Have a great day.
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