Todays Horoscope
You are in a positive cycle now that the Sun is moving through your creative 5th House of Spontaneity and Romance. This encourages you to be more playful and lightens your attitude toward life. There's no hurry, for now it's more important to enjoy yourself on the journey than it is to get to your desired destination.
That's my horoscope for today. Nothing could be more true. Amazing. I'm all about enjoying myself and spontaneity these days.

That's my horoscope for today. Nothing could be more true. Amazing. I'm all about enjoying myself and spontaneity these days.
Last night went surprisingly smooth. Edibles slept here there and everywhere, but mostly on my bed. Beary slept in his usual spot on the floor beside my bed, and all was calm.
Hubby and I took a trip into town to pick up some supplies, like a harness and a coat for Edibles and some new toys for Beary. We were a little leery leaving the guys with Little R, but apparently they were well behaved the whole time we were gone and saved the acting up for our return. I have no experience with dogs really, so I've been reading up on behaviours, training and obedience. Cesar Millan is full of good tips and advice. I am hoping the guys will calm down. I am hoping I will calm down lol. They did scare me with their carrying on this afternoon, I really thought someone was going to get hurt. They are only doing what comes natural and trying to determine their pecking order. They are both male. Bear has been neutered, Edible has not. Not sure if that makes any difference. There's the obvious size difference, which doesn't seem to deter the Edster one little bit. He follows Bear around, sometimes trying to sneak up on him, and nips at his back legs. Bear seems very protective of his food and water bowls and his toys. I think Edibles is adjusting much easier to the new living arrangements than old Bear is. But I'm sure it will iron itself out. Just wish I had a clue how long that may take lol. They seem to have a thing about stealing food and water out of each others dishes when the other one isn't looking. I seem to recall that's what Bear and Penelope did too. They never got this far in their relationship because as soon as they started, Big R would swoop her little P-Dot up into the safety of her arms. Edible is having to fend for himself more or less, and if anything, he is the more aggressive one. Bear just wants to be left alone. As long as they don't keep me up all night I'm ok with it all.
The temperature has really dropped and little Eddie doesn't have much fur, nothing like the thick, lush, coat Bear has, so that's why we bought him a coat. Wish me luck getting it on and off of him lol. It was funny as we were shopping we saw all kinds of cool things in the pet store and were wondering where all this stuff was at Christmastime. They had a full rack of Harley gear, wasn't there at Christmas. $55 for a leather collar with a metal Harley badge on it! $15 for a nylon collar with a Harley print all over it. T-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, even Harley leashes. I'm sure we'll be going back there long before next Christmas.
The guys seem to do best as long as we are all ignoring them both. Bear doesn't appreciate the intrusion. Edible seems quite happy and content.
Heres a couple more photos. One is my 3 guys peacefully lounging on the couch together.
Have an awesome day folks.
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