~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Thursday, March 29, 2007

Shopping In The Thrift Store And More Freecycle Flakes

Thankfully things settled down for me yesterday. That was brutal. It's been a while since I was so upset. And it was over nothing, really. Poor Hubby. But other than a lot of tears, I did manage to keep my cool pretty good. And after the Lorazepam kicked in, I was fine. We made tacos for dinner and watched another 2 movies. They were both quite unmemorable. I think one was called "Shattered Glass", a true story (I think) about a journalist who made up all his "news" stories. The other one was called "Dead End". They were both pretty cheesy, but Hubby enjoyed them, or so he said.
Today is sunny but still quite cool. We had been to town and back by 11:30 a.m. I had a 10:30 appointment. We got there way early so we browsed through the thrift store for half an hour, killing time. I bought 2 summer dresses there and guess what? They both don't fit. One is too tight and the other is way too big. Sigh. It still amazes me whenever I buy anything there, especially clothing (which isn't often), because I hated it so bad when I was a kid. And this is the first time I bought clothing there that doesn't fit. I don't imagine I can take them back, but then again, who knows, maybe I can. It only cost $10 for both dresses and the smaller one might fit Little R, not that she'd wear a dress. Ah well, I suppose I can try to sell them in my yard sale. When I was a kid I had a serious problem with my mother buying me clothes from a thrift store. I don't usually buy clothes there, but recently I've got a couple of good clothing scores there, so I thought why not. I usually buy lamps, chairs, books, odds and ends, that type of thing, there. I just like rooting through everything, looking for treasure. That's one store I can walk out of without buying anything.
When we got home there was a woman going from door to door, so we just sat in the car to see if she went to our house too. She did. She was a real estate agent looking for homes to sell, and she was handing out mints with her info on the package, like a business card.
Hubby just dropped me off and went on his way to pick up smokes. Too bad it's so chilly outside, I'd like to get back out there getting the yard cleaned up. But I'd rather stay in where it's nice and warm. There's plenty to do inside too. Hubby's been asking for clean laundry for days, hehe. I wonder if he even knows how to operate the washer and dryer. Doubt it.
When he got back, he came in with a brilliant idea for our home business. It would make it a whole different business, but it's a great idea, better than my original plan. He was so pumped and excited. I feel bad that I couldn't quite match his enthusiasm. Even though I too thought it was a great idea, my PMS controls me, and I couldn't have been excited over anything. I did help him do some online searching. I did tell him it was a brilliant idea. I just couldn't be pumped and excited. My PMS sucks the life out of me. All I wanted to do was sleep. And that I did. I had TWO naps today.
When I woke up from my most recent nap around 11 p.m, Hubby told me to go down and read the Freecycle posts he had left highlighted. Too funny. Someone had actually posted a "wanted" asking for a computer, but they were so specific, like how many gigs of RAM etc. and THEN, in the same post they asked for an "emissions tested" car too! I mean WTF? It was unbelievable. Well then someone posted a freak out about it. Apparently someone else has asked for a diamond ring (????) previously, I missed that, and now this. So the freak out was about how bad Freecycle has become and how greedy people are. The whole point of Freecycle has been lost in all the greed. It's not a shopping mall. Why not ask for a house while you're at it. They're probably just reselling stuff. On and on it went. I must say, I agree. I've already told you what a bunch of flakes I've come across. The one and only time I responded to a "wanted" post was someone asking for Easter baskets for a charitable fundraiser at a church, and they were the first flake I came across. They wouldn't come pick them up and couldn't agree on a time to meet that was convenient to me. So they never got the baskets. I ended up emailing saying "tell you what, come and pick them up whenever it's convenient for you" and never heard back. And today someone posted an "offer" of underwear! Where does it end? My goodness, underwear??? "In good shape" no less! OMFG LOL. There was also an offer of empty perfume boxes, I shit you not. Who would want that? Why would anyone want empty perfume boxes? Throw them on the fire for crying out loud. Same with the underwear. I do get the impression that some of these people are mentally ill or very lonely. I get the feeling with some of them that they do it just to have someone to talk to. It's bizarre. I don't know, I'm addicted, for now. I'm sure the novelty will wear off eventually, like once it's truly spring and I spend the majority of my time outside. Oh well, I'm just hoping the folks picking up my TV cabinet tomorrow don't flake out on me. I really want to just be rid of this thing. It's so big and heavy, I don't want to have to move it out of my way ever again. We were using it until we got our big screen TV, we now have no use for it. It was given to me, from S.P when she had her store, and I imagine for the same reasons, it's so big and heavy, they didn't want to have to keep moving it. Unfortunately Hubby isn't going to be home at the planned time of pick up, which means I'm going to have to help carry it out of the garage to their vehicle, UGH. One more time, sigh.
Well, I should go and get some laundry done for Hubby. He has two appointments tomorrow, physiotherapy and an MRI for his knee. He may need surgery on it! I am so hoping he can get back to work SOON.

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