Bertha Has Landed
Well she's finally back. Bertha has landed. Hubby and D.W used W.S's trailer to pick it up. It was down in the city being stored in a heated warehouse. It took them a bit longer than expected but there was a good reason for that. They saw a pile of free firewood at the side of the road while down there, so they had to stop and load that onto the trailer as well. Anyhow, Bertha looks just like we left her....dirty. She definately needs some TLC, some work and a good cleaning. One of the brake lights got snapped off while being loaded on the truck last fall and that's the second time that has happened. So it needs a new light bar on the back again. Maybe she'll get a much needed paint job this year too.

We went to the car lot to find out about that car we had picked out. No one was there, sheesh. It didn't look like the car moved, so it's doubtful it's been to the shop yet. So we went to another place and saw a couple of vehicles there we were interested in. We'll be going back to both places today, assuming my piece of crap car will get us there.
I haven't checked the weather forecast, but it looks like there may be some rain coming. This is probably a good thing as it will force me to stay inside and work on my sale crap. I have now paid to rent 2 tables at the community sale. That would be pretty silly if I don't take enough stuff to fill 2 tables. It turns out Hubby won't be there to help out on Saturday. He'll be off getting his M2 license. He will help take everything over on Friday night, but that's it. The rest will be up to me and Little R. It seemed like such a good idea at first, but now I'm having doubts. I should have stuck with my original plan and just did it at home in May. Much easier to cart everything out to my frontyard.
So yeah it's funny Hubby has never had an M2 license. He's been riding on an M1 for the last few years. I guess he had it years ago before they came out with this graduated licensing and then he missed renewing it and lost it. And now that they have graduated licensing, he has to go through all the rigamarole. I certainly wish him luck. But you know how it is when you've been driving for years and you form bad habits. I don't know if he has any bad habits with riding or not. I know he's used to using hand signals rather than signal lights. Bertha doesn't even have signal lights. But he won't be using her for his test anyway. I know he will not be a happy camper if he doesn't get it. But he is determined.
It seems I still have only one wild canary hanging around. I saw him several times yesterday. But it's just the one. Later in the season we'll have lots of them. Maybe he's an early bird. I'm going to try out the idea of a platform feeder for the big black birds, whatever they are. I read somewhere last year, if you put out a platform feeder with dog food on it for them, they prefer that to the little feeders and will leave them alone for the smaller birds. Then the idea is to gradually move it further away from the smaller feeders. The problem is they scare off the smaller birds and they can empty a feeder in a day. I bought yet another hummingbird feeder yesterday. I've lost count of how many I have. But I plan on having them all around the house. Last year we had one right beside our front door and it was the busiest one. Hummingbirds are new to me. I had never seen one before moving here. They are facinating to watch. It's like gardening, who knew I'd be so interested in it?
I'm posting a couple of photos. Hubby with his new nose ring and the American Goldfinch (wild canary). Have a great day!
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