~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Monday, April 23, 2007

Random Chatter

Sunday was another fabulous day. Again we spent the day outside and got lots of sun. We got the truck, that was parked at the back of the yard, out, with great effort. It had been there for a couple of years, so it had sank into the ground pretty far. There was a lot of fooling around, but we finally got it out. Now to get it back on the road.

I started to do some weeding and general clean up of my gardens. That was nice, but the sun was brutal, so I couldn't stay at it for long.

We went to town a couple of times. On one trip I bought some more flowers and plants. I got a "Drumstick Primrose" which I've never heard of before, another "Creeping Phlox", a "Common Periwinkle" and some "Dwarf Junipers". I don't have a real plan, never have really. So I just buy stuff and figure out where to put it later. Now with putting up a new fence, I can't really plant anything until that's done. I have a couple of existing gardens that won't be affected by the fence, so I could crowd everything into there until a later time I suppose. It's still a little early for planting anyways.

On another trip to town we came across a pile of stuff at the curb with a sign saying "Free To A Good Home" so we checked it out. We grabbed a pair of night tables, a book and a dog leash. We've never had night tables. We just use the headboard because it has a shelf type of thing. Now we're going to have to rearrange the bedroom just to fit them in.

I now have enough books to have reading material for the next five years!

So we're sitting out back, just enjoying the day, when we see a random dog wandering around in the yard nextdoor. These are the people who complain about Bear shitting in their yard. Luckily I had my camera nearby and I took a picture. I've known all along that our dog is not the only one who gets loose. I see other dogs loose all the time, but I don't usually have my camera with me when I do. I don't even know whos dog this was, never seen it before. But now, next time they complain I can just show them the picture and say "see? it may not have been Bear after all". I plan on getting a collection of photos of all the loose dogs here in paradise. I really feel we are being picked on about it because of his breed and nothing more. And that's discrimination. There is no reason for fear, he has no history of biting or anything. It's all because of his breed. Edwad is more vicious than Bear is, no one complains about him. Then again he doesn't take off and roam around loose. But still. And that's the whole reason for the fence! What an expensive dog.

There were people viewing the house nextdoor in the afternoon. They looked interested. Edwad started barking at them, so I whisked him into the house. We don't need him scaring off any potential buyers. I think just about anyone would be better neighbours than the shitheads who are there now.

It's going to be another gorgeous day. I have to get the garbage out, I put some of it out last night, but there's still more. I now have 5 days left to prepare for the community garage sale. That's what I'll be doing today.
Have a fabulous day.



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