~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Dead Scooter

Now I'm wondering if all that womans hullabaloo was because she knew the scooter wasn't working. Feeling a little guilty perhaps.
Hubby had the batteries charging and they never did fully charge, even though he had it on for a good 24 hours. It isn't working. He has a few ideas, just hasn't had the time to fool around with it.
Isn't that the way? After all the hassle we went through to get the damn thing only to find it doesn't work. And now it sits in my diningroom, dead. What a pain in the ass.
The funny thing is, we had one before that we bought at an auction. That was before Hubby was injured, we really had no use for it. We just got it for such a good price, it was hard to resist. The plan was to hang onto it until someone needed it, someone like my father. Well then someone made an offer to buy it. Again, it was too good to resist. A tidy little profit was made. But dammit, that one worked.

I think I may go tanning this afternoon. I need sunshine. This weather is pathetic. I am so sick of it, I'm starting to feel sick. Dreary, rainy/snowy, cold and windy. Mother Nature must be PMSing or something. It was two summers ago we hardly had a summer at all. It was cold and rainy more often than not. I will be most disappointed if this is going to be one of those summers. In recent years I've noticed the seasons seem to change overnight. It'll be like this until the end of May and then BAM it's summer. Or it'll just be like this all summer, with the odd nice day. I didn't used to pay so much attention to the weather. It seems nowadays there isn't much else for me to pay attention to. A rainy day never stopped me back then. Cold didn't hurt like it does now. I did notice a lot of people out doing yard work on the weekend. I guess if you dress for it, it's not too bad. But where the hell is the sun??

The first 4-H meeting was held Sunday evening. Things are looking better already, they have all their meetings lined up, that's new. We'll be hosting a meeting here at our house in September. That gives me plenty of time to have the house cleaned up. Hubby went to the meeting, as he plans on being a lot more involved this year. It sounds like they're off to a good start to having a better year. Last year, even though it was our first year, we could tell, it was just lame. There are a couple of new members also.

The time is nearing for me to finish the denture project, ugh. I'm dreading it, but psyching myself up for it. The money is coming, there is no excuse. I survived the first round, I'll survive again. I've been getting by with only 11 teeth in my head, but it will be nice to be able to chew properly again. The oral surgeon is a pro. That's why he gets the big bucks. Part of my fear is, once it's done, it's done, it can't be undone. I've been getting by. But I would so love to be able to openly smile again. A genuine smile. And to be able to eat anything, not have to worry about being able to chew it. Millions of people have dentures. I don't even know why I'm so afraid. I'm afraid of being knocked out for it, that's what I'm afraid of. I'm afraid I won't wake up. But that's a somewhat irrational fear. Anyhow, soon, probably within the next week or two, it'll be done.

I keep finding more stuff to put in my sale, but haven't done any more organizing. This is turning into quite the chore. I don't know how much to ask for stuff. One thing I read said to price things high to leave room for haggling. But to me it seems that might just scare people off, not everyone haggles. A lot of stuff, for example candle holders, I think, who would buy them? Who would want this stuff? But then I remember the sale I had before, and people will buy just about anything you put out. I've seen such wacky stuff in yard sales, you just never know. That spare bedroom is calling my name. I have to pull myself out of this chair and get to it. We're down to less than 2 weeks. So much for having the big head start. I won't be touching the toys again until Little R is here to help me with it. She knows what goes with what a lot better than I do. Toys were an easy seller at my other sale. I can take some over to the town hall and leave some for my private yard sale. I'm putting too much pressure on myself about it. Really, it's a fun thing to do, there shouldn't be any pressure. Whatever is ready to go for the town hall is what I'll take. No pressure. We get to go in the night before to set things up, so that's good. The lady in charge has managed to recruit several more people too. Ah, it'll be a blast. I'm looking forward to it.

K, I'm outta here, time to get off my butt and get it done. Have a great day.

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