~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Got Me Some Rays

I did go tanning yesterday. When I signed up I had to buy a bottle of slather for my skin. I assumed it was sunscreen. When I looked at it later I found it was actually accelerator. That was the first thing I said when I went in yesterday "shouldn't I have sunscreen with SPF? This is accelerator and I really don't need any help getting a tan. It's not going to make me orange is it?" I explained that I wasn't really there to get a tan, I just wanted the vitamins or whatever you get from the rays to feel better. She said they didn't use sunscreen because most people do want a tan and I may as well get a tan while I'm there TANNING. They use this stuff more as a moisturizer. You have to have something on your skin or it will get very dried out very fast. Ok fine, but it better not make me orange.
It was an experience. They started me off at 8 minutes, originally it was going to be 7, so I don't know why it was more. I didn't pull the top of the tanning bed down over myself and I'm glad I didn't because it would have been way too hot. It was impossible to imagine I was laying on a beach with her vacuuming outside the room and the fans on the bed sounding like jets coming in for a landing on my head. After a while I could feel that tingle of my skin burning so I figured I'd had enough and I got up. Just then the bed turned off. They're on timers, so I guess I had timed it perfectly. Amazingly, I did feel a little better. I came out smiling and in a better mood. The day suddenly didn't seem so dreary. So I will be going back some time.

After that Hubby and I went for lunch. We went to a little place in another town where we haven't been in quite some time. Then we came home and picked up the dogs and drove them to a park in town. Actually the park where that kid Robbie was brutally murdered a few years ago. As you enter the park there is a light pole with his name on it. There used to be all kinds of flowers and whatnot attached to this pole but the township made them take it all down, so I was a little surprised to see his name still there. It's not much of a park, there is no playground, it's just for walking, there are paths and boardwalks and benches, thats about it. Because of seeing Robbie's name as soon as you enter, you can't help but think about him while you're there walking around. The dogs were very excited to be going for a car ride AND getting to walk in a strange park.

Down the road from home there is this little farm where they have 3 horses. The barn caved in a few weeks ago. I've been told they actually made it cave in before the wind could do it. Less dangerous that way I guess. But since then those horses have been outside. They are there every time we drive by. There is another shed type building that they could be putting the horses in, no one knows, but the horses seem to always be out. I've been upset every time we drive by and the poor things are out there. Snow, rain, sleet, doesn't matter, the horses are out in it. That just isn't right. Yesterday one of them was laying in their pile of food. It looked dead. I was so pissed off. I've been discussing it with S.W, she noticed it too and has been wondering the same thing, if they are putting them in that other shed or what. It doesn't seem like it because they are ALWAYS there. Seeing one laying in its food was the final straw. She drove over there and honked her horn. Two of them looked at her but the one laying down didn't move. So she went to the Humane Society and filed a report. I'm so glad she did that. I wanted to, but didn't quite know what to say since I know absolutely nothing about horses. Though I'm sure they can get sick and catch pneumonia just like any other animal. No other farms had their horses out yet, but even the odd ones we did see had blankets on them. Anyways, the Humane Society told S.W they had already received several complaints about these 3 horses and were planning to send someone out to investigate last night anyways. She went there rather than calling on the phone because she wanted to be sure there was a complaint filed, rather than just blowing her off. I haven't been by there since, but Hubby went by there today and said the horses were still out there. Fortunately today was a nice day, even so, I did see other horses out and they had blankets on. I'll be very interested to find out what happened. Farm animals are protected by cruelty laws just like pets and any other animals. I don't think it's even a working farm, I think it's like a small hobby farm. I've recently learned that a lot of the farm houses around here are actually rented out as well as the land.

Well today was pretty nice compared to recent weather. It started out dreary but the sun finally popped out and my crocuses were finally tempted to open up.



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