Progressive Regression, An Oxymoron
Well we got a whole bunch of sun yesterday. Got burnt from head to toe, but not a painful kind of burnt. I could see Hubby burning so I kept telling him to put sunscreen on, it never even occured to me to put some on myself. Neither one of us did put any on. It was another gorgeous day. We hung out outside until well after dark, by which time I got the burnt chill again. We didn't go to that party, we opted to stay home and get shit done.

We got most of the old cedar rail fence knocked down. We backfilled where we had to dig up the septic line. I laid the hunks of sod back over it but I don't know how well it's going to take. We may end up having to seed it. We just got a lot of general yard puttering done.
Two of our least favourite neighbours had backyard fires. At one point a cop drove by out on the main road, and you don't know how rare that is, they only come here when they're called here, we thought for sure they were gonna get told nextdoor, but nothing. The cops just drove on by. You would think the cops would be aware that there is a fire ban in affect, but apparently not. Either that or they were actually busy with a call or something. I just couldn't help thinking if it was us having a fire during a fire ban, someone would have called the cops on us, if not, that random cop would have been on us in a flash.
I saw my first American Goldfinch of the season! They are also called wild canaries. They are a vibrant bright yellow colour and they sing. I only saw the one, he was on one of my feeders. I just happened to have bought the seed they like the other day but hadn't put it out yet, he was on the sunflower seed feeder. So I went ahead and filled the feeder for them, but he never came back. I took a picture of him but I was too far away.
We went to take the car we're thinking of buying out for a test drive. It has issues, but is pretty sound. It's a decent family car.
Back in our own car driving to another town for Timmys coffee we came across a yard sale. It was in a ritzy neighbourhood. I got a few books and it came to $15! They were asking $1 for paperbacks and $2 for hard covers but she charged me $3 for one of the books I had. Jeez. So that wasn't a deal at all. I actually felt ripped off more than anything. All the books were in very good condition, but still. Remind me not to go to yard sales in that neighbourhood.
One of my Narcissus flowers bloomed yesterday. Of course I took pictures. I just bought them last year, so this is my first year of them. They look like very tiny daffodils. When we dug up the septic line, it was winter, some of my Columbines got dug up in the process. But, it looks like they survived somewhat. I'm glad about that. Columbines are funky looking flowers and I like them. I want to cut back my roses, but I've always had "the clown" there to guide me before. I'm afraid to do it on my own, I'm afraid I'll fuck up and kill them. I'm just not sure where to cut. Still can't decide where to plant any of the stuff I bought this year. I'm just going to wait until the new fence is up before I plant anything. It's a little early for that yet anyways, plenty of time to figure it out.
So Hubby and I were sitting back having a brewski break when Little R appeared asking for money to go to the chip wagon. Earlier I had taken a pile of change from my jacket pocket and put it in my little change purse. I could not remember where I had put the change purse. So I sat there retracing my steps until we figured out where I had put it. I said "talk about progressive regression". Hubby said "that's an oxymoron!" Yup I believe it is. We had some great conversations sitting there drinking beer in the sun. Unfortunately Hubby started out drinking too fast and was pretty much done as I was just warming up. If you've never drank in the sun, I don't recommend it, it goes straight to your head. It seems like you get twice as drunk when done in the sun. I was fine though, I took it easy. We ended up having dinner from the chip wagon. They only opened it near the end of last summer. I can see us packing on the weight with that there now. It's too handy and convenient. There's nothing like chip wagon french fries! Delicious. Hubby got poutine and I had a taste and it was YUMMY. I'm gonna get fat this summer I think, sigh.
This morning, just as I was waking up, Edwad (that's his new name) squatted right in front of me, in the kitchen! I was quick enough to get him outside before he finished. I couldn't believe it. The house smells like a fucking barn thanks to him. I'm so glad we can finally open windows and air the place out! But he had no qualms about doing it right there, in the middle of the kitchen, right in front of me. SIGH. I can't wait to get the new fence up so we can just cut them loose and not have to worry at all about them taking off.
Today is supposed to be gorgeous again. It's sunny and warm already. I'm going to enjoy my coffee outside now. I'll leave you with a photo of my Narcissus. Have a lovely day.
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