~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Saturday, April 21, 2007

Shopping For A Fence

The day started out on a bit of a sour note when we got a letter from the Township in our mail.

The letter stated "It has come to the attention of this office that, your dogs have been allowed to run at large. The issue of safety is a serious concern. Complaints have been received regarding your dog disturbing/threatening neighbouring landowners, their children and their pets. It is imperative that you resolve this situation immediately."

It goes on further to explain the charges and fines that could be laid on us and contains a copy of the dog bylaws.

Yes it is true that Bear takes off on me on a regular basis. And though I know he wouldn't hurt a flea, others have no way of knowing that. And I don't know how he acts when I'm not there. I spoke to one of the Town Councillors about it and she said she had received 3 complaints. She told them all the same thing, that they must put it in writing for anything to happen. One refused to do that, another did so right away and she is waiting for the written complaint from the third. We have a pretty good idea of who it may be. We have no argument. The one thing I find strange is the timing. When I let Bear out and he takes off on me is usually late at night or in the wee hours. It's just our lovely neighbours being asses. It bothers me because I'm fairly certain it's bullshit, only said to cause us grief. And because I've seen every other dog on this street out roaming around loose. But I don't complain about it.

Anyways, we went fence shopping yesterday. We're getting a small part of the settlement next week, so we figured we'd find out how much it's going to cost to fence the backyard. We were planning to do that even before receiving this letter. We need 205 feet of fence. We decided to go with the pre-assembled wood panels. Not including the posts it will cost over $3000. We hope to have it done by next weekend. Hubby is going to recruit a couple of guys and they can slap it up themselves. We haven't decided if we'll rent a post hole digger or hire a local guy to do that part. We'll have to remove the cedar rail fence which runs across the back of the yard and may use it as a decorative fence in the frontyard. Due to the cost, I may not be able to finish the denture project just yet. Aww, that's too bad, hehe.

Other than that it was a fabulous day. Since my car is on its last legs, and we have that money coming, we stopped in at a car place too. We may have found a reasonable replacement car. We're also going to pull our old pick up truck out of the backyard before the fence goes up, and get it back on the road. It's been a real pain not having a truck.

The weather was amazing. It was as hot as a summer day. We spent the entire day outside. We even had a barbecue for dinner. Little R went for a scoot on her mini bike after school. I got the raking done, even cleaned up the mess from the wood cutting pile. I got a slight sunburn. You know how you get a chill, after getting a burn, when the sun goes down? That was me last night. I'm going to have a decent tan already by the time summer does roll around.

The house nextdoor still hasn't sold. I read the listing and it says "needs TLC", that's not a good selling point and they mention it "has a large sandbox", hardly a selling feature. These folks are freaks, it's common knowledge. Two grown adults who live in a 4 bedroom house and do like to play in their sandbox. They've been seen by other neighbours doing what can only be described as "role playing". They are also the ones who complain about every little thing. It started with the bike which again was quite unfair since ours is not the only bike around. They live between two Harley owners, but it's only ours that bothers them. When they found that there was nothing they could do about it, they moved on to complaining about the dog. The other house, which is down and across from us, sold in a week. This will be the second time the freaks nextdoor have put theirs on the market and still, nothing. We'd be more than happy to see them go. There must be something really wrong with the house for it to take this long. "Needs TLC" could mean so many things. If you really want to sell, don't you make the neccesary repairs yourself before putting it on the market? Doesn't that make sense? These folks don't make sense at the best of times. I also noticed on the MLS site, there are no indoor photos of the place. They just don't seem very serious about selling and that's a shame. I'd love to have some decent, normal people living beside me.

All in all it was a gorgeous day and I sure do hope it's a trend. My narcissus' which I planted last year are just about ready to bloom. I can't wait to get out there digging in the dirt and planting all the things I've bought this year. Did I mention I got a rasberry bush last week? Of course I can't decide where to plant it. The sun and warmth yesterday got all the plants and flowers going good. It is supposed to be nice for the next few days. I plan on being out there enjoying every minute of it.

There is a fire ban in effect until May 18 or further notice. So, we couldn't get a fire permit just yet. If you have a fire and someone calls the fire department or otherwise reports it, if the fire department comes out, you are responsible for paying for the call which is now $1800 and you get a fine. It's very much not worth it. Better off waiting for the ban to be lifted. We plan on expanding our tiny firepit. I might start on that today. I have a lot of plans for today actually. All involving being outside in the sunshine.

Have a great day!

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