~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Saturday, May 12, 2007

Oh No, Not More Tulip Photos!

Yesterday was another fairly boring day. About all I accomplished was starting the digging on extending my fence-side garden. I couldn't stay at it for any length of time because the sun was just so hot. I did drive Hubby down to the bike shop, more accurately, he let me drive my own dam car, to pick up his clutch basket? something like that, which they had welded a new piece onto for him. So the bike is back together and now the electric start works again, but it's still making this "bad noise", which is the whole problem. We've been living with the electric start problem for years, good thing it has a kicker eh, but the noise, just started the end of last season. There are so many possibilities of what could be causing it. You watch, before I know it he'll have that motor ripped apart, and I'll spend half the summer waiting for him to put it back together. UGH. The plan is for him to use the bike for commuting when he goes back to work next week, so I can have my car. Frankly, I don't know what noise he hears. It's something only guys can hear I think.

Rumour has it we have bikers moving in nextdoor. One of our nieghbours told us this, don't know how they would know, also that they sold for the asking price, which is great to hear. Hopefully the rumours are true.

More of my tulips opened up yesterday, the pink ones. Of course I took pictures.

Today I woke up at 6, only because I had set the alarm for 6, because Hubby had an appointment down in the city this morning. That insurance dude who was supposed to come here told us he wanted to see only Hubby, so Hubby arranged to meet him at a restaurant, rather than him coming all the way up here. When Hubby went off to his meeting, I went back to bed. I haven't even been outside yet. I have no idea what it's like out. It could be pleasant digging weather for all I know.
The settlement is just a month away now. I don't know how it all works, it could be put off again. I don't know what kind of time frame there is between winning a settlement and actually getting the money. I will just be so happy and relieved when it is finally all over and done with. It's been over 3 years since the accident. So it's been about a year and a half since the whole thing started because you must wait for 2 years before you can even start the lawsuit. I probably shouldn't even be discussing it here. All I can say is, it has been life altering and Hubby is not the same person he was before the accident.
I'm only thinking about it today because of Hubbys meeting this morning. Other than that, I have Tulips on my mind. Those photos are of 2 different kinds of tulips. The rounded, pure pink ones, and the pointy, pink and white ones. Don't know their actual names. All I have left to bloom are the white with red stripes ones.
I also have riding on my mind. Was hoping to get some riding in this weekend. While Hubby was down in the city he popped in at Whalen Custom Cycles. They are closing their doors and having a big sale on all their stock. It came as quite a surprise to hear they are shutting down. I think it was less than 2 years they were open. I don't think he bought much. He came in babbling about a front end they have that he may be interested in. I was hoping for some tshirts or something. Oh well.
I'm off, going to get dressed and get outside. The garden won't dig itself, the grass won't finish cutting itself and the bed won't paint itself. Too bad.
Have a great day.


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