~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Friday, May 11, 2007

Spring Blooms

Well this morning it was 6:34 instead of 6:32. But I had actually laid there for a couple of minutes thinking about it before looking at the clock. I probably did technically wake up at 6:32.

The dogs wanted out right away. I usually wait until I'm ready to go out with them or at least am awake enough to go hunting Bear down. This morning I just let them out still half asleep. Of course Bear took off. Even with me standing there telling him to stay, off he went. I did go out and half-assed looked for him, I didn't see him. I called him, I whistled, nothing. So I came back in. A couple of minutes later he came back. Normally I act like nothing happened, but this morning I gave him shit. I have to let him know it's not cool for him to do this.

Yesterday I did pretty much nothing. I had a long nap in the afternoon. It was a cloudy day, looked like it might rain any minute. But it didn't rain. I went to my appointment in the morning and that was it. Hubby had to go for his follow up with the surgeon and that's when I fell asleep. So the doctor says he can go back to work next week! After him being home this long it's going to be very odd for him to be gone again. We've fallen into a bit of a routine. I'm probably going to miss him, sigh.

I did take some flower photos this week. A lot of them turned out blurry, don't know why. Some of them turned out ok.

This first one is my mystery flower which turned out to be a "Tarda Tulip"...

As you can see somebody was munching on one of the blooms.

Next is Tulips...these were transplanted from the side to the back...

I'm not sure what this next one is, they kind of grow all over the place, wild-like, in the grass and everywhere...

More Tulips at the side of the house....

Yellow Tulips at the side of the house...

Pink Forget-Me-Nots...

These are more commonly blue and spread well. I have blue also, but the pink ones seem to be blooming sooner than the blue ones. These were just planted last year and have already spread.

I recently bought myself one of those garden claw things. It is great for aerating and loosening the soil in gardens. It's easy to use and makes the job go a lot quicker. I also got some new shovels, for edging and all the digging of new beds I'll be doing.

Well that's about it for today. Have a lovely day.


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