The Weekend
Until tonight, the weather this weekend was fabulous, if you like extreme humidity. I live for summer, so I was liking it. On Saturday we finally got around to taking Little R into town for a haircut. After being told it would be an hour wait, we went out to the car only to find that the power windows were no longer working. They were stuck open a couple of inches. Well then we were on the prowl for fuses, driving around in the sweltering heat looking for a parts place that was open, ate up the rest of the afternoon. We finally found the fuses and the windows still didn't work, ugh. Because there was a threat of rain, Mr. Man got out the packing tape and sealed the open windows with that. Real rednecks would have used duct tape! No haircut for Little R, no Blues & Jazz Festival, no Show & Shine. What a waste of a day. After dropping Little R back home, we headed back to town to maybe catch part of the Show & Shine. We missed it, the vendors were packing up. However there was still a band playing as part of the Blues & Jazz Festival. So we got to see that and ran into a couple of friends. We managed to salvage a bit of fun out of the day.

We came home and had a barbecue dinner and had a quiet evening at home. We were star gazing and remembered the telescope Mr. Man purchased at the yard sale last weekend. Unfortunately, it didn't have instructions with it and we had no clue how to operate the thing. We'll have to pull it out in the light of day and have a look at it to figure out how it works. I guess niether one of us has any telescope experience lol.
This morning, I was the first one up, as usual, and I waited til a decent hour, 10 a.m, before mowing the front yard. I'll do the back tomorrow, if it isn't raining. If I let it, this cutting the grass could become a full time job. Once Mr. Man got up we decided to just go to the Show & Shine today. It's not often there are 2 on the same weekend. Since we missed the one on Saturday we thought we'd make it to this one. It started at noon, we got there around 1 p.m. Of course we rode and the bike sounded like shit. Something is still wrong with it. But hey, it got us there and back, could have been worse. Anyway, the Show & Shine, it was sad. Usually we stay beginning to end, this year we left after only an hour. We go to this one every year, and this time didn't even compare to previous years. I don't know if it's because there was the other one the day before or the threat of rain, or what, but there was not a good turn out. There was only about half the number of people there usually is. The 50/50 tickets are usually an arm length of tickets for $5, this year, 3 tickets for $5! When we mosied over to the prize table to have a peek, we were disappointed. They usually have excellent prizes, not this year. The beer wasn't cold, it was a little pissy. They didn't even bother having t-shirts made up. We've got t-shirts at this event every year. When we went to the t-shirt booth, we were stunned to find they were selling last years shirts! We were disappointed with the whole thing and as I say, left after an hour. We rode over to D & S's place and went for a ride with S. We went to a little bar called the Happy Hog for lunch. As we were riding home it started to rain.
When I was out puttering in the yard this morning I noticed my Clematis had an open bloom. Of course I ran in the house and grabbed my camera. Here's pictures of that. Also, here's one of me sitting in the shade at Sundays Show & Shine.
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