Holiday Monday
Here it is a holiday Monday. At least the sun is shining. Saturday we just pissed the day away. I didn't do any of the things I planned to do. Hubby worked on the bike a bit but didn't finish putting it back together. It's closer to being done than not so thats a good thing. It was a gorgeous hot day. Just as we were settling in at the bonfire at S.Ws place the clouds rolled in. It got really cold and then it rained. It was an impressive fire, it kept us warm. And when the rain got heavy at times there was a tree nearby that we could all stand under to keep dry.

So there are some photos, that's Hubby and S.W, and me and S.W. We also got to enjoy a fireworks display that someone set off at the park which S.Ws property backs onto. The younger kids in attendance had sparklers and D.W showed them how to throw them. Being a grown man, he could send them quite high and quite far. A four year old, not so much.
Sunday was another lazy day. It was dark and cold and rainy most of the day. After getting up around 7 a.m and seeing that I went back to bed and slept half the day away. The sun did pop out in the afternoon, but it was still cold. Even if the bike was ready I doubt we would have gone out riding. However, there are some brave souls out there. We had a visit from S and a friend of his who were out for a scoot. They stopped by in their travels to check on Hubbys progress.
Little R had a friend over. The kids dad dropped her off as she lives out in the country somewhere. Then the kids walked over to another kids place on one of the sideroads. We stopped by there on our way to town to pick up some baking potatoes for dinner, to let them know we were going, would be right back, and to stay where they were. Later, the kids dad shows up to pick her up. We sent him over to the other kids place. A few minutes later he came back saying no one was there. So Hubby went back with him. No one was there! For about an hour and a half we were looking for these kids, knocking on doors the whole bit. They were nowhere to be found. Finally they show up. They had gone to town with the other kid and her mother! Needless to say, I don't think that kid will be allowed to come back here. The dad was pretty upset. How embarrassing. We can't even keep track of your kid for a couple of hours. But that's 13 year olds for you. Sometimes they just don't think.
I forgot I had bought my annuals. I can add them to the list of things I have to be planted. The weather is supposed to improve tomorrow. Today isn't too bad so far, sunny but cool. This is the weekend I usually do all that. Obviously I didn't have my yard sale. I'm glad I didn't, I think I would have been disappointed. There wasn't nearly as much traffic as I expected, things were pretty quiet. I hung a couple of Hummingbird feeders out last week. So I've seen my first Hummingbirds of the season. I have several more to put out, just wanted to be sure the Hummingbirds were back before I fill them all and put them out there. And that's about it for my weekend thus far. Pretty boring and quiet. Hopefully the weather forecast is accurate and I can get a bunch of stuff done this week. I think I'll plan my yard sale for two weekends from now, the beginning of June.
Have a peachy Monday.
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