Not Much To Say Today
I don't have much to say today. We went to town a few times over the weekend and got a good dent in the Christmas shopping. There's still snow on the ground, it's been cold. They're calling for rain and more snow over the next few days. I don't think I'm going to be out there putting up the outdoor lights any time soon. We may just not do it this year, how sad. We have the clear ones lining the roof which stay up all year, if all else fails.

I'm pretty clueless as to what to get for Mr. Man this year. Usually I have all kinds of ideas, this year, not so much. I have a couple of ideas but they're big ticket items and I'm not sure I'll be able to afford them. Other than that, clothes, the man needs clothes. I'll have to sneak a peek at the sizes on the stuff he wears.
We called another place to come pick up the old car. They came Saturday morning and towed it away. And they gave us $30 for it, woohoo. While I was out there watching them take it away, I saw a bunny rabbit. That's the first one I've seen in a couple of years. Even if I had had the camera with me, it was too far away to get a decent picture. I'm just glad to know they're still around, thought somebody was trapping them or something, it had been so long. Used to see rabbits just about daily. So then Mr. Man brought the truck back home now that there's room in the driveway for it. It looks good. They did a good job painting it and whatnot. It still needs signal lights replaced then it's good to go. Hopefully tomorrow I'll have the car.
I have a dentist appointment tomorrow. The teeth are getting better I guess. I was able to eat a cupcake and some pasta yesterday. It was uncomfortable, but I did it. It's getting easier. I do find that I have to go rinse them out right away after eating anything though. That could be a problem when out. We have two dinners coming up next weekend. Friday is the 4-H awards dinner and Saturday is the company Christmas party dinner. I'm just hoping I can eat by then, without embarrassing myself to death. And now I'm hoping I can find the privacy to rinse my dentures out after eating, ugh. Otherwise it's very uncomfortable. I bought a new dress for the Christmas party but don't think I'll wear it since it's sleeveless and I don't like being cold. So I still haven't decided what to wear. Hopefully I'll have the car so I can go to town and shop for something at my leisure.
We put Eddies winter coat on him yesterday and it's now too small for him. The little bugger has grown in the last year. He does have a good little life. The thing was snug last year, but now we simply cannot do it up. So I posted it on Freecycle. We'll have to get him a new one. He really needs a coat, his fur is very thin. He does get cold. Bear on the other hand has a nice thick coat and doesn't mind the cold at all.
Here's a picture I took of some berries growing by my front door. And the old car being taken away, it's a good thing Mr. Man had one last look in it for personal belongings because he found a bunch of lawyer letters up in the visor that we had missed. And a picture of the truck back home in the driveway all painted and being charged...note the wooden redneck bumper lol...
Like I said, I really don't have anything to say today, so that's it. Have a wonderful day.
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