~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Friday, November 23, 2007

Snow Day

As planned my father and sister came to visit. The house was a mess but they were ok with it since they were aware I had been suffering. They wouldn't have even noticed my new teeth if I didn't point it out to them. That shows how often they see me. It was a nice visit. My father looked good, he was happy and chipper. It was they who told me we were expecting snow, I had no idea. When it was time to leave I got the Christmas presents for my other sister. I set the bag on the floor and Bear promptly walked over and snagged a gift out of the bag and walked away with it. When I told him to drop it, he did. I sure hope it didn't get broken. He loves Christmas and has tried a couple of times to snag a gift for himself. Poor guy doesn't understand that he has to wait until Christmas to open presents. Little R came home from school just in time to say good bye to them.

The teeth were really bothering me and hurting. At times I could barely speak while they were here. I couldn't wait for my late afternoon adjustment appointment. Mr. Man had sent me an email with my itinerary for the day. It was so cute. He knows me so well, and he knows I'll put everything off til the last possible minute. He had me charging the cell phone and cleaning the windshield on the car lol. He told me what time I needed to be pulling out of the driveway lol. But he was right, running the errands and getting to my appointment went like clockwork. The teeth felt much better after the adjustment. He says I don't need to come back unless they start to really bother me again. That was a surprise since he originally said it might be 7 visits for adjustments.

I ended up not having to pick Mr. Man up from physio, but Little R and I were looking forward to going to town. So when he got home we piled in the car and headed into town. Little R desperately needed new jeans, so we got that. Then we hit McDonalds for some supper. I actually ate some french fries. It was tricky. Apparently its a learning experience, eventually I'll learn to eat with the dentures. Meanwhile, I'm starving.

As we were heading home the snow started. It snowed all night and all day yesterday. Yesterday was a snow day, no school for Little R. Apparently the roads were pretty bad in the morning and the buses weren't running. It took Mr. Man 3 hours to get to work. So I spent the day just hanging out with Little R. I didn't even get dressed yesterday, ugh. I procrastinated putting the teeth in too, I think it was close to noon before I did. I know it wasn't until 4 or so before I got up and made a fire even though I was freezing all day. So now there's a nice blanket of snow outside. It finally looks like winter. Have a great day.


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