The Company Christmas Dinner
The company dinner thing went well. There were 2 limos, the northern route (that's us), and the southern route, all meeting up at the restaurant downtown. Mr. Man and I were all dressed and ready to go, just bickering over which bottle to bring. I wanted to bring sambuca and he wanted to bring buttershots. The limo was a few minutes early picking us up so without agreeing we just brought no bottle. Besides we weren't sure if we were allowed to bring any booze and if we could leave it in the car or what. We were happy to find out there was a cooler full of booze in the trunk of the car.

The northern car was supposed to have 4 couples and the southern car was supposed to have 3 couples. At the last minute someone in the southern car cancelled. So one of the bosses in our car decided to invite a couple of friends rather than waste the tickets. So now we had 2 couples in the southern car and 5 couples in the northern car. It was very cramped in our car. Throw in the cooler of booze and it was ridiculous. We were sitting on top of each other. Though I should say our driver, Tony, was great.
We all got to the restaurant and were on a bit of a time limit in order to make it to the show on time. So ordering was a little rushed. Our waiter, Steve, was awesome. He just kept the drinks coming without us having to ask. We did have a limited menu to order from so I ordered the chicken with couscous. But I asked if I could have mashed potatoes instead of couscous just to be sure I could eat something. Sure enough, I got mashed potatoes, I was very happy about that. Dinner was good.
Then it was off to The Second City show. The theater was right next to the restaurant. So after a quick smoke break we went in and found our seats. Again it was very cramped. The show was called "Facebook of Revelations". I enjoyed it though it wasn't as good as I had expected it to be. They didn't even take our drink orders until after the show had started and we were only served one drink throughout the show. That sucked.
Then it was back outside in the bitter cold to have a smoke while we waited for the limos to pick us up. It wasn't a long wait. It was starting to flurry, so we were teasing our driver Tony, you know if it's flurrying in downtown Toronto then it's a blizzard at our house. We were right. We got home around midnight, which made it kind of an early night. The driver did well driving in those conditions. There was quite the storm happening once we reached our neck of the woods.
So I don't know, it was fun and all, but it was kind of disappointing too. The bosses were discussing what to do next year. I have a feeling we'll be going bar hopping in limos lol.
Sunday was spent just laying around feeling like the day after. The weather has been terrible. It's been snowing every day for a good week. Last night it started freezing rain. Everything is ice. It's amazing the power never went out. Of course the school buses are cancelled this morning so there's no school today. It's snowing and blowing and very cold.
We took some pictures but not many are very good. I'll post the ones of me and Mr. Man.
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