~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Just Chattering

Went bright and early for the blood tests, and even though we left home at 6 a.m there was still one guy ahead of us in line. It's crazy. It opens at 7 but if you get there any time after 7 you'll be there for a while. Most people like to get it over with as soon as possible because they had to fast for it. Anyways I was second in line so it wasn't bad. We then had McDonalds for breakfast and Timmys coffee. Then we just hung around town, went to Canadian Tire, and sat in the truck smoking until Mr. Mans doctor appointment at 9:30. It seems he now has dangerously high cholesterol and the doctor put him on medication for that too. I don't know exactly how many medications Mr. Man is on, but it's a lot.

I don't think today is as nice as yesterday was. It's cloudy and cool when the sun isn't shining. But I did sit outside on my laptop for a little while. It was giving me a headache trying to read because its smaller than my desktop. I've waited all summer to be able to do that. Still I ended up coming inside. While I was out there I did clean up a mess of boxes and bottles that was out by the back door.

I ran into my therapist at the doctors office. I can't wait to see her again on the 20th. I have high hopes that the anti depressants are going to work for me. It can't hurt to give it a try anyways.

I even did a load of laundry for myself last night. I think I'll do some more today. I haven't done laundry for myself all summer. I have a lot of clothes. And I was wearing some things over and over again, which I NEVER do. I'd say I have too many clothes though. I've been doing Mr. Mans laundry because he needs clean clothes for work. But neglecting myself. Well I finally ran out of underwear, so it had to be done.

So much for Little R keeping me company today. She went out this morning and I haven't seen her since. She was wearing really hideous make up too. As soon as you try to tell her, in a nice way, that it's hideous, she gets all defensive. It looked ridiculous and I can't believe she's out there roaming the street looking like that. Hopefully someone else will say something to her and she'll wash it off.

When we had the bonfire a couple of weekends ago, the wood we used was that barn board we've had sitting there for ages. We aren't going to use it for anything after all. So Mr. Man cut a bunch of it up for the fire. I think this weekend we should cut it all up and haul it down to the firepit. It would really clean up that part of the yard.

So that's my day so far. I'm bored senseless. I don't feel like doing laundry right now. Being up at 5:30 I kind of feel more like taking a nap. We'll see. Have a great day.


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