~Charlene's Web~

Sunshine, Laughter And Friends Are Always Welcome!

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Location: Ontario, Canada

I'm happily married to Mr. Man. We have 2 daughters, Big R and Little R. I'm a stay at home mom. We moved from the big city to the country, living a dream. I'm a collector and a packrat. I'd rather read a book than watch a movie. I battle depression. I love life, but that wasn't always the case. This is my journal.

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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Freecycle Does Work Sometimes

Little R uses a hair staightener. I'm not sure why, her hair looks fine to me. Apparently it gets frizzy and poofy, so she straightens it. Well she broke her straightener. Probably during a hissy fit. One day I was sitting at the computer (like thats a big surprise) and Little R said "why don't you ask for a hair straightener on Freecycle?" Oh yeah, I never even thought of that. Good idea. So I did. Almost immediately I got 2 responses. I had 2 people wanting to give me a hair straightener! So I made the arrangements to pick them both up on the weekend. I figured I'd get them both in case one didn't work or something. Then, like you're supposed to do, I posted that I had received the item I asked for. I then got another email from someone who said they had asked for a hair staightener and got no response, if I got more than one response could I please pass some along to them. I emailed back explaining that I got 2 responses and was picking them both up and if they both work then certainly they can have one. So on Saturday we went to Fergus for one, and Elora for the other one, and they both worked. Little R picked which one she wanted to keep, and the other one was picked up by the Freecycler who asked for it. It all worked out great. Freecycle does work sometimes. I don't usually ask for things, I'm usually trying to get rid of things. I went to dig out some stuff I want to get rid of and I couldn't even get at it, it's so buried in other junk, heavy junk that Mr. Man piled on top of the box I wanted to get at. I was in a Freecycling mood lol. I may try to move the heavy stuff today so I can get at that box. I'm in the mood to get rid of stuff.

I actually dug out some Autumn decorations yesterday too. I put a fall wreath on the door and some fall flowers around the house. Looking at all of Fridays show and tells, a lot of them were of fall decorating, it inspired me.

Mr. Man posted an ad on Kijiji to sell the mini bike. He had plenty of interest. He had taken it down to his work because that would be easier for selling it. One guy showed up, checked it out and bought it on the spot, with cash. He didn't even try to haggle the price. So we no longer own a mini bike.

While we were in Elora yesterday we stopped at a Farmers Market. We got some fresh baked bread and some maple syrup. Mr. Man loves that stuff. It was a rainy, chilly day. When we came home I made a roast pork which turned out delicious and I made a fire in the fireplace. I've been holding back on having fires. Don't want to use the firewood, want to save it for the winter. But it was the perfect kind of evening for a fire. Damp and chilly. The way the wood from the dead tree burned on the bonfire, I'm thinking we may be able to burn the smaller stuff in the fireplace this year. The bigger pieces may have to be seasoned. We still haven't finished cutting it all up. I thought today would be a good day for that, and for cutting the grass, but Mr. Man went to work today. It's going to be a long day for me I think. Getting up so early and being alone all day. I'm going to look around for things to post on Freecycle. Have a great day.


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