Autumn Joy
I was going to do a show and tell this morning then I said nah next week. It's been months what difference will another week make. At least I have something in mind to show. Now I have a whole week to get pictures of it.

I need to get out of the habit of sitting in my jammies all day. It's just so easy to do when you have nowhere to go. Little R is home with me today, maybe I can convince her to go for a walk with me. We really should be enjoying this weather while we can.
Have a great day.
Things are still not going well with Little R and school. She missed today altogether. Usually she gets up and goes, she just doesn't go to her classes. Today she didn't even bother getting up. By the time I noticed, it was too late. One good thing is that she did take the bus home every day this week. I was so glad we didn't have to go through the whole thing of leaving her in town. I'm not sure I could do it. I don't want to have to find out if I could do it or not.
We went to family counselling yesterday. I'm not sure how it's going. I don't see it helping much. I believe the biggest change that needs to take place is getting rid of my depression. I believe that if I wasn't depressed things would be a lot different around here. I think maybe Little R has caught some of my depression. It is hereditary afterall. I think she got involved with the wrong group of people and is otherwise friendless. That has got to be very rough in high school. She needs to find a new group of friends to hang out with at school. That will make her days a lot easier on her. I wish we could go back and start all over, but we can't. She needs to make changes in who she hangs around with.
The weather has been quite lovely, though I haven't been going outside at all. I guess I really should. It seems more and more like a cave down here in the familyroom. Another thing that depresses me I think. I spend all day down here at the computer. I did take some pictures of my Autumn Joy yesterday. Here let me show you...
And a single late blooming yellow rose...
I need to get out of the habit of sitting in my jammies all day. It's just so easy to do when you have nowhere to go. Little R is home with me today, maybe I can convince her to go for a walk with me. We really should be enjoying this weather while we can.
Have a great day.
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