Good Bye Tree
Well, this past weekend was the last long weekend until October. Little R went back to school today. I have mixed feelings about that. Obviously I want her to go to school, I'm kind of glad vacation time is over. But at the same time I miss her. It's awfully lonely here today. I can't believe summer is over! At least the weather is nice today. It's supposed to be hot again like it was all weekend.
On Saturday we drove to an outlet store to get a fabulous deal on jeans for Little R. $10 a pair. We spent most of the day driving around clothing shopping for Little R. We dropped her off in town to hang out with her friends and went back to pick her up at 10.
On Sunday we did yard work and wood chopping. We have this hideous pile of barn board. We were going to use it, then decided not to, so now its bonfire wood. But it needs to be cut up. We got about half of it cut up and hauled to the firepit. There's still a big pile of it. Then we cut down our big, dead, weeping birch tree. I took some pictures and of course as I went to take the picture of it actually falling, the camera malfunctioned, sigh. So there's a big mess to clean up. The bigger pieces will be stacked to season for use in our fireplace, all the smaller branches are being hauled to the firepit. We were going to have a bonfire but then the people nextdoor invited us over to their fire so we went there instead. I played a game of horse shoes, which I haven't played in a few years, and I sucked. I couldn't get one in the pit to save my life. I think my team lost. I'm surprised my arm didn't hurt the next day. It hurts after playing darts, you would think it would hurt after horse shoes. I was drinking beer. One minute I was fine, then the next thing I knew I was drunk and needed to come home. I left kind of abruptly.
Monday was a lazy day. We didn't do much. I put a dent in hauling the tree branches to the back of the yard. It was very sunny and hot. Too hot to work. And now it's over.
I have to keep busy today to keep my mind off of missing Little R. I'll probably go out and haul more tree branches down to the firepit. I invited SW over for coffee today, but I don't know if she's coming or not. So, my old friend that I connected with on Facebook, has been selling stuff on eBay for 10 years. She's going to teach me how to do it too. Every time I look at eBay I get scared off, it looks so complicated. She's going to show me the ropes. I've been wanting to try it for years.
It's a shame that tree had to come down. It was so nice when it was alive. We don't have many trees on our property. And of course now we have to deal with getting rid of the stump. But hey we'll have some nice smelly firewood next year.

Last night I was thinking about being home all alone today and I had a panic attack. So far it hasn't been so bad. I just have to keep myself busy. Since they did away with Scrabulous on Facebook, I've been playing Scrabble Beta and Wordscraper. But I can't sit in front of the computer all day. There are things to get done. I'm off to start my day. Have a good one.
On Saturday we drove to an outlet store to get a fabulous deal on jeans for Little R. $10 a pair. We spent most of the day driving around clothing shopping for Little R. We dropped her off in town to hang out with her friends and went back to pick her up at 10.
On Sunday we did yard work and wood chopping. We have this hideous pile of barn board. We were going to use it, then decided not to, so now its bonfire wood. But it needs to be cut up. We got about half of it cut up and hauled to the firepit. There's still a big pile of it. Then we cut down our big, dead, weeping birch tree. I took some pictures and of course as I went to take the picture of it actually falling, the camera malfunctioned, sigh. So there's a big mess to clean up. The bigger pieces will be stacked to season for use in our fireplace, all the smaller branches are being hauled to the firepit. We were going to have a bonfire but then the people nextdoor invited us over to their fire so we went there instead. I played a game of horse shoes, which I haven't played in a few years, and I sucked. I couldn't get one in the pit to save my life. I think my team lost. I'm surprised my arm didn't hurt the next day. It hurts after playing darts, you would think it would hurt after horse shoes. I was drinking beer. One minute I was fine, then the next thing I knew I was drunk and needed to come home. I left kind of abruptly.
Monday was a lazy day. We didn't do much. I put a dent in hauling the tree branches to the back of the yard. It was very sunny and hot. Too hot to work. And now it's over.
I have to keep busy today to keep my mind off of missing Little R. I'll probably go out and haul more tree branches down to the firepit. I invited SW over for coffee today, but I don't know if she's coming or not. So, my old friend that I connected with on Facebook, has been selling stuff on eBay for 10 years. She's going to teach me how to do it too. Every time I look at eBay I get scared off, it looks so complicated. She's going to show me the ropes. I've been wanting to try it for years.
It's a shame that tree had to come down. It was so nice when it was alive. We don't have many trees on our property. And of course now we have to deal with getting rid of the stump. But hey we'll have some nice smelly firewood next year.
Last night I was thinking about being home all alone today and I had a panic attack. So far it hasn't been so bad. I just have to keep myself busy. Since they did away with Scrabulous on Facebook, I've been playing Scrabble Beta and Wordscraper. But I can't sit in front of the computer all day. There are things to get done. I'm off to start my day. Have a good one.
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